We haven;t had a Missa Solermnis for ages, God decided our old MC had a vocation and apart from an occasional Missa Cantata its been Low Mass ever since. However James who is happily married to Deidre went off to do the LMS course. Fr Bruno Witchals who preached and was deacon tonight became PP of one of the next door parishes last year and Fr Gerrard Hatton did an intensive course in sub-deaconry with Richard Hawker the manager of Watts & Co, and a LMS MC and Deus providebat, a simple little High Mass,it was just Mass I and the chant. Enjoy the pictures here.
I offered Mass, as I promised, for the Franciscan Sister of the Immaculate. It was good to see a reasonable number of people coming to the EF nowadays.

James is the one with the beard, Deirdre is behind the camera.
Father, nothing is simple if it is sung well and with understanding.
High Mass is excellent (I have never yet been to a Solemn High Mass) but Low Mass is good, too. I like Low Mass because I get to hear the penitential rite, which is one of my favorite parts of the traditional Mass.
It all looks very beautiful.
From the photos it seems you keep the front row of pews for Holy Communion (since the church has no altar rails).
That seems a very smart solution - perhaps it could be usefully adopted by the many other churches faced with the same problem.
(Perhaps it already is adopted elsewhere, for all I know. We are rather spoilt round here, as many local churches stubbornly resisted having their altar rails removed in the 1970s).
Beautiful photos and most edifying. God grant you and all your parishioners His bounteous Graces.
There should be a collection at these big spectacular Masses,we desperately need the money
How might one who lives overseas make a donation to support the pastoral and charitable works of St. Mary Magdalen Parish?
I should be happy to do so notwithstanding I live in Ireland.
Liam, that is very kind of you,you could always send a cheque which would be gratefully received
Done! I'll post it next week to St Mary Magdalen Parish,Upper North Street,Brighton, UK
Is that right? I don't have the post code though. Can you provide it?
That would be very kind Liam,our address is 55 Upper North St BRIGHTON Sussex BN1 3PH
Well we celebrated Ascension Day to-day, Sunday, as our Bishops have decreed. But actually we didn't because it was superceded by something called World Communications Sunday - no doubt a treble of the First Class outclassing the Ascension. According to Pope Francis using the new media is akin to keeping the doors of our churches open. Well now as I saying on Protect the Pope ... Grr! And one or two other matters which I won't mention except for Tina Beattie giving a talk at Worth Abbey on "Redeeming Visions: Women of the New Testament in Christian Art" - having read some of her writings I hope this won't be pornographic.
Grand. Thanks very much.
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