It takes place in our parish centre next to the Church at 7.30pm, there is Mass at 7pm and Exposition from 6pm, in the Church.
Bring friends!!!
Have you noticed the increasing use of meaningless Jargon words in church documents produced by various committees and even by Bishops ? Here are a few examples from the Summary of Deanery Clergy Conversations in the process of "Towards a vision for the Diocese" for the Diocese of Southwark. You could even start with the use of the word "Vision" here rather than the clearer word "Plan"
The Word "COMMUNION" is used in varying senses today. Sometimes the documents break into the ~Greek word "Koinonia" (Another dreadful example of Greek instead of English is the word "Mystagogia"...I dont know what this means myself.
"Community is community in Action"
"Koinonia is both vision and process"
"Real Life" Preaching must connect to real life !!
"Empowering" Allowing and empowering the laity. (to do what ??)
"Engaging with" Engaging with young people. (What on earth is that )
"Dimension" "Urban/Rural dimension is a challenge in the diocese.
"Reaching out" ie in Mission, or to People. How do you "reach out" ??
"People on the Edges" ...opportunities for meeting people on the edges and beyond.
"Inclusion or Inclusive" Inclusion is vital for community and mission.
Celebrate diversity and be inclusive.
I hope to include a few more in the next post which will of course give you a fresh dimension
in your faith process. Why not comment and send a few more ?
As one of the more significant Westminster contenders and as chairman of ICEL, this statement shows how one of our bishops deals with documents from the Holy Father. To me it seems that this is another example of Cardinal Hume's, "this document does not apply to the Church in England and Wales".
Most of our Bishops have said very little about the document, and have left its interpretation up to individual priests, but Bishop Roche here seems to want to define terms that the text doesn't define, such as quite what a "private Mass" is, what idoneus means, what a coetus is, what stabiliter means. He also seems to want to "refine" what the Holy Father's very intention is in promulgating this document.
What I find most concerning is that he seems to want to take to himself the right of decision making that the Holy Father has very clearly given to individual priests. He has also introduced, that which even some of the odder American bishops have not done, the restriction of forbidding bination, celebrating two Masses in one day without the bishops permission.
On the whole this is a lack lustre document, that contrasts disappointingly with magnanimity of the Pope's own words, I hope that it is not the beginning of a trickle of similar statements by our English and Welsh bishops, especially as it seems highly likely that some retractions might have to be made when the Ecclesia Dei Commission themselves issue some clarifications, which is expected soon.
Both Pope Benedict and Pope John Paul II encourage frequent confession, monthly confession is recommended to priests and religious by the code of canon law, that would seem to be an "at least" requirement, weekly or fortnightly confession should be regarded as a good for those who want to take the spiritual life seriously.
Both Popes suggest making confession available on Sundays before Mass, and if possible even during Mass. For most people nowadays traditional Saturday afternoon is the worst time possible. Here, I hear confessions after all the weekday Masses, people come seeking God's mercy, being able to give sustains my spiritual life.
But... well I am still not entirely convinced, I love High Mass, but there is something cold about Low Mass, fine to whisper the liturgy when there is a Church full of priests all saying their own Mass at there own altar. But in a parish.......?
Summorum Pontificum, I am sure is the Pope's most important work, he has gambled an awful lot on it, so many bishops throughout the world are trying to "restrict the de-restriction", he has created a grassroots movement amongst younger priests, and it is only time, and the death of older generation of older bishops and priests, that is going show whether it is going to be fruitful.
In a way he has shoved his pastoral staff into liturgical experimentation by saying in effect, if you are with the Church then look at what has been passed onto us in Catholic worship, the way forward is not endless novelty but an enrichment and deepening of our spiritual lives, it is seeking the face of Christ, not increasing the entertainment value of celebrations!
...I would be like this, no wet liberal me...
...I wonder why I haven't been chosen, ...yet.
Thanks to Roman Catholic Vocations
who also has this video, which is an interview with Bishop Burbridge, the Bishops in the States who has the most seminarians in the States, I wish Bishops and Vocation Directors in the UK would check out what he does.
At Matins/the Office of Readings on Holy Saturday the Church gives us this 'ancient homily', I find it incredibly moving, it is abou...