I am not too sure today's referendum is about 'in or out'. It is about trust, do we trust Dave and the stream of his predecessors who have appeared defending Remain or do we trust Boris, Gove and Nige. All of them seem more than dodgy. I don't trust any of them.
There has been talk about 'repatriating democracy' - in or out that isn't going to happen, our government will not concede greater democracy. Brexit Catholics have been emphasising subsidiarity but again it is highly unlikely that Westminster will concede anything to a strata of government below national level, it is not its nature.
There is a vast gulf between those who govern and those who are governed, whether it is Europe, and it isn't just the British with a problem with Europe, or the US; who could make a choice between Hilary and Trump, there seems to be a vaccum in leadership, a governing class that is concerned only about its maintenance of power.
Our beloved Holy Father has often criticised careerist bishops but the problem in the world is careerist politicians where politicking and the exercise and the maintaining of power itself becomes all consuming. Such leadership hardly evokes trust in those who are led, because of course there is is no vision to which we are led, it is ultimately hopeless.
Today after much pondering I voted to Brexit. I loathe the little England vision of my fellow Brexiteers, and yes I think we are setting off on something unknown. If we go, the result will be revolutionary, I hope there will be a new politics, with new party alignments, I hope there will be more scrutiny of government. I voted 'out' because I am afraid of where Europe will be five or ten years time. From the European press it seems that 'in' Europe the future is as uncertain as 'out'. As someone with a certain anarchist tendency Britain's leaving I hope will encourage European nations will consider leaving too.
For wealthy nations in the North West of Europe I am sure we have become wealthier but as a Catholic there must be more to our lives than the creation of wealth which has been placed increasingly in the hands of the few. Elsewhere in Europe, and yes, beyond its immediate borders poverty and unemployment, the creation of an underclass seem to be part of the European project, it is not good for the future.
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam!
Your decision surprises me, father. I had you down as a Common Marketist, as they used to be called, or a European as we might say to-day. I too voted "out." And I do think that we need a revolution. We need to see the collapse of the two main political parties, and a permanent end to political tribalism. We need to see the permanent end to the ideologies of inclusion, diversity and multiculturalism, godless utopianism, cultural Marxism, and relativism. We need good, Christian MPs who genuinely listen to the concerns of their constituents as opposed to the closed-minded ideologues (like Stephen Kinnock, Yvette Cooper, and many others) who only bother talking to the electorate, whose opinions they openly despise, because they need their votes. And we need to return to the quintessentially British institutions, the peculiar kind of liberty that we used to enjoy; things like trial by jury, the Bill of Rights, and so on. If that means the disintegration of the Union (that is of the "United Kingdom"), so be it. That union is no more sacrosanct than the continental one, and has been compromised since 1869 anyway. There's nothing "little" about England.
I spoilt my ballot paper or to be exact submitted a blank return. It is an absurdity to stage a referendum to determine whether to downgrade gym membership from silver to bronze? As long as NATO exists and European nations remain American proxies then nothing will change, in or out.
I was surprised that Sadie Vacantis spoiled his/her ballot paper. Rather than that it would be better not to vote as spoiled papers are irrelevant. Nothing is worse than sitting on the fence.
One benefit of the falling pound is that it will benefit our exports although as we speak it is rising again.
Whilst no-one knows the longterm effect of leaving we surely must be better if we can control our own fate.
I heard Nigel Farage this morning laying the blame on uncontrolled mass immigration from the EU, so it's all the fault of foreigners. Now, where have I heard that before?
However, even he had a point in highlighting the disconnect between what he terms 'the elite' (of which he is arguably a member) and those who don't feel they are the beneficiaries in our society.
"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." - Winston Churchill
I agree that there has been a democratic deficit both above and below our national parliament. We may be getting rid of the EU from above our Parliament but it would be nice if a great deal more power was delegated down to local and Parish level so that there was real democracy at that level.
I voted Brexit partly because of reading paras 56 & 57 of the Catechism.
I must say I always feared that David Cameron might be remaindered.
@David O'Neill
I did not sit on a fence but retained the right to remain silent on the issue.
@ Nicholas Bellord,
At least Mr. Cameron leaves with having accomplished his self-proclaimed "proudest achievement": same sex marriage.
Right now we have that out of the way, let's, as Catholics, get down to important business,
For instance:
A greater preoccupation with the saving of souls in the next life
How to save Europe ( including any residual UK ) from ever more rapid Islamisation
How to deal with the evils of Scottish and now emerging, English nationalism
There is nothing evil in English or Scottish nationalism per se. The problem is the anti-catholic dimension to this 'nationalism' since the Reformation.
Just for the sake of clarification: You mention the 'evils' of emerging 'nationalism'. Would you be so kind as to specifically define 'nationalism' and then what, if anything, might constitute legitimate patriotic pride?
What about "escaping from the EU etc cabal of Freemasons, crooks and so on", as I have read,so as to be able to direct ones' own affairs, instead of being "ruled" by a despotic regime ? It made sense to me. Freedom from tyranny, not too strong a term perhaps - just look at the advancement of all the LGBT stuff, after all, one of Cameron's greatest "feats" was the compulsory introduction of homosexual unions. the Lord God will surely hold him responsible for that.
That the Swiss cancelled their long-standing EU membership application a week before was a big factor for many I guess.
One step at a time.
The founding fathers of the EEC (as the EU began) were most certainly worthy men but that EEC became the political monolith which needed pulling down. The idea of an economic union was good & is still possible to operate, after all many other 'European' nations were never members of the EU but have signed a trade agreement similar to what the EEC was meant to be but without the draconian laws issued by the EU. Farmers have been paid subsidies not to produce food (milk, butter, etc) so as to allow other EU states to supply us. OK they will no longer have those subsidies but they will have the UK market to absorb what they produce at an economic price. Much fairer & we save a fortune in EU costs.
A short PS to 'Sadie Vacantist'; why bother to spoil your ballot slip other than to sit on the fence - VERY uncomfortable!!
@David O'Neil
Well the cross was more uncomfortable than the fence on which I sat. Nearly 30% refused to cast a vote in this referendum and have done far less harm to their neighbour as a result.
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