Some say that Amoris Laetitia says God tolerates sin, that is impossible.
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception says God demands holiness. Mary the 'All Holy', 'the Full of Grace' reminds us that God loves sinners but is totally intolerant of sin.
Her 'yes' to God, is a 'no' to sin.
Every dogma says no to sin!
So very sad to see that the Holy Father can or will not speak out and give the faithful the truth as to the Amoris Laetitia, It will only lead to Scandal in the Church, It for the good of the faithful.
Father, I have a dubnium:
"Some say that Amoris Laetitia says God tolerates sin, that is impossible."
Is it impossible that Amoris Laetitia says God tolerates sin; or
Is it that Amoris Laetitia does say that God tolerates sin, which is impossible that God should do?
I totally support the four Cardinals in their five Dubia. I pray daily that Pope Francis acknowledges that they are right and that he accepts the points they are making. But...I am not holding my breath.
It is good to see your thoughts again Father! God give you good health and strength for many years!
This is so strongly linked to your post on St Nicholas. and you bring us back to the one thing needful, to focus on our calling by Christ. He has given us all means to make possible our being united with God. That is holiness, and even as a preschool child, I was introduced to this and remain in awe and wonder before the holiness of God and all that is given to Him willingly.
May you, all the parties in the discussion over the Pope's teaching, and all your readers achieve the holiness which they long for.
"Every dogma says no to sin!"
and every sin says no to dogma!
We started Mass yesterday evening with "Tell out my soul", tune in Muscular Christian style by Greatorex. There must have been at least 100 in the church, a good turnout. About five people were singing.
Question: does the choice of such a hymn help congregations to understand the meaning of this feast day?
I wonder should the 4 let go of this? There are fundamental flaws in the Church's ecclesiology in respect of modernity. If we are going through the Arian crisis mk II then there is not much we can do about it. Bizarrely, this mess vindicates Lefebvre's state of emergency thesis yet I don't see the SSPX demanding explanations.
What would Our Lady say? She said it at Fatima. Most souls who go to Hell do so because of sins against purity. She must be wringing her hands about Amoris Laetitiae and the damage it will cause as spelt out by John Finnis and Germain Grisez in their letter to Pope Francis and the whole church:
Amoris Laetitia promotes sin.
And this:
I see that Archbishop Athanasius Schneider has published a damning critique of Amoris Laetitia by entitliting it as Love of Adultery since the Latin "Amoris" is mainly concerned with sexual activity. I wonder if Pope Francis has read it. If he has then it should certainly make him splutter over his cornflakes!
Sorry, the title of Archbishop Schneider's essay is not Love of Adultery but Joy of Adultery.
Words...Have tied us all in knots. True faith begins where words end. The confusing and never-ending abyss of logic. In Christ there are no words..Only love. Amoris laetitia is a distraction. Let's get away from words and into the experience of Christ. You will never find God in your mind.
What more does he have to say that he did not already mentioned in his exhortation...That is what he wishes to promulgate. Is definition of mercy consists of tolerating the sin of sinners: adulterers, fornicators, etc...
He does not believe in Catholic doctrine...dogmas, etc...I do not believe that Francis hold the faith....
Remember the teachings of the Catholic Church: If you put into doubt one dogma of the Catholic Church, you lose the faith and fall out of the Catholic Church. He promulgates sin against faith and moral: divine and natural law.
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