Thursday, September 14, 2006

Sandro Magister Tries to Sum Up the Bavarian Speeches

Have a look at Magister's summary of the Pope's speeches and sermon's, better to read them yourself but if not at least look at this by clicking the title.

"From my childhood I was very much taken with the story of saint Corbinian that a bear had attacked and killed the horse on the saint was riding across the Alps. Corbinian severely scolded the bear and he punished him by loading him down with all his baggage and making him carry it all the way to Rome. So the bear, carrying the baggage of the saint, had to go to Rome, and only there was he allowed by the saint to go free."

There is a story that as a child of two or three, the young Benedict would wander off to a local toyshop and stare at a teddy bear in the window. One day it wasn't there, he burst into tears and was inconsolable, until Christmas day, his mother had bought him the bear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As he retained his teddy bear, on his coat of arms did he also have a "ethiopian" doll and a favorite shell as a child?
I do think that there is something quite childlike about him which is what makes him so lovable.

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