I love this set of vestments, they date from about 1910, I think. There is something about them that says, 'Magdalen'.
They are made up of embroidery, appliqué and gold thread, on the chasuble there are a few descreet pearls. The cope is completely perished, the silk has gone, the chasuble is almost unwearable and the decoration has become a little muted, the dalmatics aren't too bad.
Despite all that we were man enough to wear them last night at the High Mass for Magdalen Day.
As the choir are on holiday, it was a rather homely High Mass; De Angelis and a couple of motets sung by those lovely sisters.
One year, maybe, kettledrums, cornetti, citterone. Call me an old liberal if you must, but I am not one of those fussy priests who object to the guitar in church, I have heard a quite adequate figured bass continuo played on an extended necked baroque guitar substituting for a bass vihuela.
There are more photographs here

p.s. say a prayer for Tom who is getting married to Vergine at an old rite Pontifical Mass in Paray-le-Monial on Friday, Tom is on the Gospel side.

Congratulations to the engaged! Who is the celebrant bishop, I wonder?!
Beautiful vestments. However are they cleaned, or kept clean??
1910-2014; how's that for continuity!
Oh, so beautiful!
You should get them remounted before they disintegrate further.
They are awesome vestments and so unlike anything seen on the other side of the pond, even though they only date back to the 1900's. I am also glad to hear a priest from a traditional church not belittle the guitar in liturgical music. While when most think of that instrument here, they think of folk music. There is though much baroque music played on guitar and even renaissances music has been adapted for the instrument.
Beautiful vestments indeed, and well worth seeking out a benefactor to get them restored. Happy St Mary Magdalentide to you and the parish.
Very beautiful. Well done, to keep them going.
And to Tom: "Auguri e figli maschi!"
Could these be refurbished? I would be willing to make an admittedly modest contribution should you wish to.
They could, it'll cost alot.
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