Brothers and sisters, pray for our brothers and sister under threat in Mosul, pray for those who have been forced to leave their ancient homeland.
Pray for those who murder, abduct, rape, mutilate, destroy and threaten.
We are at the beginning of a Christian Holocaust, will the world leaders act or be as silent ans as hard hearted as they were 70 years ago?
All of this in the name of God? The same God? Our God promises to 'wipe away every tear' if we Love our enemy whereas their God promises 'carnal pleasure' if they blindly obey, and rape and murder those that refuse to follow their wickedness. How dare the fakes in the Church talk of the same God. They are cowards to a man. Their first goal is to be praised by the world. Oh God come to our aid.
I read last week that no Mass had been said in Mosul since the beginning of Christianity there, 2000 years +/- ago.
Yes Father, world leaders should act or at least say something - and so should our bishops and cardinals
Excellent post Father. Thank you. Our brothers and sisters in the Middle East need all the spiritual help we can give them. The following is from reporting the words of the Chaldean Patriarch in Baghdad (17th July) "... as of yesterday morning, those left (in Mosul) began to clear out. Now only 'very few people, the poorest among the Christians' are left 'because they do not have the means to escape'.",-Christians-flee-Mosul-31662.html
No prayer's for our brother's and sisters in Mosul being heard from our pulpits! Why why why God forgive us!
I have heard that there are brave Christian men fighting in syria against the followers of the pederest, false prophet. Perhaps we should organize a fundraiser for them.
Yes, Jacobi, a couple of weeks ago, no Mass on a Sunday in Mosul for the first time ever since the 1st century! Lord, have mercy. I think offering up our Angeluses for this cause, as someone suggested, is one good simple thing that we can all do as Catholics together ( I've started.)
That is a very good idea Lynda.
It's sickening what is happening in the Middle East, the homeland of Christianity is being assaulted with little help if any from the west but I won't get into politics on this blog but this makes Our Lord's command to "Love Thy enemy" a difficult task.
While offering Angeluses is an excellent idea a Rosary Campaign, as my mother Ann suggested, may be fruitful as well. It has been in the past. Perhaps specifically invoking Our Lady Help of Christians? It was under that title that she assured the victory of the Catholic forces in Lepanto.
It bothers me when I hear fellow Catholics say that Islam is one of the three Great Abrahamic Faiths. If this were so, it would mean Christ died in vain. That He was not the Alpha and the Omega, but that Mohammed is.
Do these people even think about the consequences of what they say? When will we be done with these lies?
Where is the reaction of the UN, of the leaders of the west, of the EU, or the international relief agencies?
Where are the voices of Catholic and Orthodox bishops raised in vehement protest - apart from the Chaldean Patriarch himself? Why no protest by the Holy Father?
30,000 Christians driven from their homes in Mosul since 2003. Now they are robbed on the road as they flee, their churches and homes pillaged, torched and desecrated, their priests kidnapped and many murdered.
And the entire area of NW Iraq to the Syrian border is next in line for islamist 'cleansing'. And no government in the west saying or doing anything about it.
Utterly shaming.
Don't count on Obama to do anything other than to sit back and enjoy it all, cypto Muslim that he is.
In February 2010 Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, was quoted as saying that we should not fear Islam. Is he still of the same opinion?
Jewel, it is the Church herself that says that Islam is an Abrahamic religion, I will not just ignore the church and her teachings as expressed through a ecumenical council, no matter how uncomfortable they seem.
Muslims worshiping the One true god, even if their understanding of him is HIGHLY distorted dies not take away from the disgust over the genocide of Christians in Iraq, ignored by our so called world leaders. God help them
Let’s be clear. Islam is not a Faith, Abrahamic or otherwise. It is one of the great heresies, a concoction of bits and pieces of Judaism, Catholicism and paganism all cobbled together.
Muslims do not worship the Christian Triune God but rather a remote semi-pagan one. There is little similarity.
Bizarrely, at a time of Catholic universality in the civilised world, it arose from nowhere and conquered suddenly. It has continued repeatedly to assault us up to the present day, when it is now destroying the ancient Christian Churches of the Middle East.
And the reaction from the Vatican is - silence.
OH, but I believe we ar going to get an encyclical on the environment!
If we really cared we would welcome them here as we did the Coptics from Egypt and Sudan.
The GARBAGE PRESS would get apoplectic but this is supposed to be a Christian country; doing is what we have to do,not pretend praying
No way in the world muslims worship the same God as Christians. Their cult is demonic.
I do not see the worlds leaders taking any action.They have rejected Christ and are hell bent on promoting an anti-christian agenda.The antidote to Islam, the Catholic church, has lost its way and engages in useless inter-faith dialouge. At the recent prayers for peace in the Vatican garden the Muslim leader asked Allah to "make us victorious over the tide of unbelievers" ( see video at the Remnant) The true plan for peace was given to the church by Our Blessed Lady at Fatima.How bad do things have to get before the church heeds Her requests?
Being anti Islamic or anti Judaiism is not Christian it just shows one up to be totally uneducated and ignorant.
There will only be PEACE in the World when we learn to respect each other.
I personally have never met an evil Moslem but I have met countless numbers of evil Catholics.
One of the 99 names of Allah is 'Deceiver', presumably to excuse Md.and his followers for telling lies to gain advantages over their enemies. Our God is not a deceiver, ergo they do not worship our God. The Pope's confident assurance that Islam is a 'religion of peace' was always laughable to anyone who has read the Koran but becomes more so with each passing day.
Which church is it that has a picture of Muhammad being thrown into hell? I know that it is somewhere in Italy.
It is the Anglo-Saxon World which has self-indulgently destabilised the region. In a similar way, the problems of "seventy years ago" were caused by a declaration of war by a British government on a Germany which had neither threatened nor attacked this country. WWII was the reason why the church has collapsed not Vatican II. The dim witted Germany theologians who emerged from the universities of the 1950's were as much a creation of the occupying Americans as were the Beatles in this country. That their respective paths should cross in Hamburg is an irony which will entertain future generations of academics who will define this period of history as ridiculous.
"It is a high crime indeed to withdraw alliegance from God in order to please men, an act of consummate wickedness to break the laws of Jesus Christ in order to yield obedience to earthly rulers." Leo XIII Sapientiae Christianae, 1890. Catholics have been withdrawing alliegance from God in order to please men, Jews, Muslims, atheists, pagans, pretty much everyone who has denies Christ. Immediately following the 'inter-religious prayer meeting' in the Vatican gardens the oldest Christian cities in Iraq were 'cleansed'. But of course all this is just silly coincidence. God doesn't really withdraw alliegance from men just cause they withdraw alliegance from Him, does He? And for the one millionth time Christ is God. Jews and Muslims deny Christ, they deny God (or are we to believe that the prayer for jihadic victory at the vatican pleased 'God' who sometimes isn't Christ and so 'God' who, strangley, sometimes isn't Christ decided to permit more slaughter of Christians in the name of the true god who sometimes isn't Christ = crazy). Who cares what else they want to call what they pray to - it isn't God. We aren't ancient Greeks grappling in darkness before the Advent of the Word made Flesh. It's 2014 because God incarnated 2014 years ago; to participate in the perversion of encouraging muslims and jews to believe they are worshipping anything other than the devil is just wanton. Lord have mercy on those being put through fire. wis.3.1 "But the souls of the just are in the hand of God, and the torment of death shall not touch them. In the sight of the unwise they seemed to die: and their departure was taken for misery: And their going away from us, for utter destruction: but they are in peace. And though in the sight of men they suffered torments, their hope is full of immortality. Afflicted in few things, in many they shall be well rewarded: because God hath tried them, and found them worthy of himself."
In Sydney yesterday Anglican Priest Rev David Smith and his wife marched in solidarity with Moslesm protesting about Gaza. A friend of mine asked the priest on his FB page would these same Moslems march in protest at what is happening in Mosul. The priests wife wrote "Why Wayne?"
My friend has since unfriended the priest
It was always the Salesian practice to pray to Our Lady : “Mary, Help of Christians” after any prayers, just before the final “In the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen”.
I think a donation to Aid to the Church in Need will help for starters.
Just another Mad Catholic - yes I've heard about this militia. It was mentioned in a post on the facebook site dedicated to praying for Archbishop Mennini . The poster was asking whether it was OK to donate to such an organisation. I personally don't see why not. If such a militia exists it has been set up in extremis as a defensive measure. But there are no details as far as I can see.
And one can give specifically to ACN's Iraq fund.
Aid to the Church in Need is organising a prayerful demonstration in support of Middle East Christians at the Houses of Parliament on Saturday, 25th July at noon. Details on their website.
We have heard precious little about this horrendous situation from our Parish. For that matter we have heard precious little from the Church as a whole! I do believe, though, that Pope Francis did ask for prayers for the region, but that was some time ago. I am going to contact one of our Deacons to see if they will put this cause on the intercessary prayers of the Mass. Not only do we not hear of this from the Main Stream Media, but we hear little from our own Church! On the flip side, we hear a lot about the border situation here in the States from our Bishops. What's up with that, I am starting to wonder?
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