Thanks to Fr Z for posting this video of an interview with Fr. James Mawdsley of the Society of St Peter. As a young man he was imprisoned in Burma for 14 months (1999-2000) for his work for human rights. Whilst at universitry he seems to have been fascinated by 'truth' and tried to understand human suffering. In prison he met Christ and after his release the Traditional Mass, he was ordained two years ago and works in Warrington. He speaks so eloquently of The Mass and how it inspires the celebrant to humility and to awe in the presence of God.
As a young man I was impressed in the interviews he gave after his release by his desire for truth, almost two decades on it has brought him daily to bow down before the altar of the Living God.
If you are priest, especially, watch the video, it is refreshing in its humility and the things he is trying to say. Maybe one of tyhe differences between those who say the ancient Mass is that it demands humility.
Pray for Fr James that the good work God began in him may be brought to completion
Thank you, Father. That was very good.
Thank you Father for posting this most moving and thought provoking video.
Thank you Father for this important video. I just wish we could have the TLM in Leeds. We are not even allowed to kneel to receive Holy Communion.
Having met Fr James on a number of occasions I see him as the standard to which all young priests should aim. I first met him at St Joseph's in Gateshead when he was a deacon & he makes a fine priest. His comments on touching the sacred species resonates for me as I too cannot understand how anyone truly believing in the Real Presence could possibly do so. I recall it being said of a non Catholic that if he believed in the Real Presence he would approach Communion on his belly.
What a wonderful priest, if only there were more like him. I agree with everything that he says about the traditional Mass.
slightly off topic, but talking about another good priest. Fr. Gary Dickson his just posted his own update on the Catholic Collar and Tie. He's back for now! God be praised!
I live near enough to Warrington to have benefitted from Fr Mawdsley's ministry there (he's now moved on to Reading). A good,thoughtful priest who was of great help to me.
What a beautiful work God has made of this priestly man.
This Priest is living proof that Our Lord has not abandoned His people. May God be praised.
Defend your priest if you can.
Thank you Father so much for this video. So many of us need the experience of exposure to a priest like this. Sometimes I despair at what is happening to Catholicism. May God bless you and Father James always. Thank you also to David O'Neil. It is heartening to read someone who shares my view on the great reverence and respect with which the host should be treated.May the Holy Spirit restore the traditional Mass so that all Catholics become aware of our wonderful traditions.
Amen Cressida! Couldn't have said it better!! What an inspiration this young Priest of God is!! May his faithfulness and witness to the Traditional Mass ripple through the Church unimpeded. Thank you Fr. for this beautiful testimony from this faithful young priest. May God protect him from the evil that is swallowing up the Church whole, and may his light shine like a beacon in the blackest of nights.
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