Our Lady of Kazan pray for me and all who visit this blog.
Always deepen our faith, and our love for your Most Blessed Son and protect His Holy Church, and most especially assist and safeguard his servant Pope Benedict.
At Matins/the Office of Readings on Holy Saturday the Church gives us this 'ancient homily', I find it incredibly moving, it is abou...
I LOVE your icon. There's something wonderful about looking at icons - just to know millions of others have gazed upon similar images. In the wonderfully NON "me-me" artistic style - they tend to be devoid of personal touches - at least in a way that generally doesn't scream out "it's by Picasso" sort of way.
Fine prayer - may the author of same be blessed.
did he/she win anything?
What do suggest?
Fr. Ray,
I wouldn't be surprised if the mystery visitor was me, given where I live and the time when I was reading your blog yesterday -- although of course a whole bunch of Torontonians were likely logging on at the same time (by no means inconceivable, it was mid-evening here).
I think Fr. Tim Finigan said a Mass for all the readers of his blog once, or at least included them in his general intentions, which I've always thought was a nice gesture on his part.
It sounds like a good idea, so yes I will say Mass for all who log on here.
Intelectual: me, I am the barbarian at the gate.
Great blog Fr Ray - don't know where you get the time and energy to keep it going but, keep it going! God Bless.
A Mass for visitors to this blog ?
Well, that would be very much appreciated.
Thank you, Father.
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