Saturday, November 10, 2007

Legalised Brothels & the Bishop

Bishop Hollis of Portsmouth is concerned about prostitution in his cathedral city, he argues that prostitution is going to happen so let's at least try to moderate it, a very apealing arguement.
Fr Tim Finigan reminds us of the basic Catholic principle: we cannot co-operate in evil.
The two views illustrate what is at the heart of the Liberal/Catholic debate it is essentially the vision of what a human being is.

The liberal view, which essentially springs from 16th century Protestantism is that mankind is, since the Fall, totally corrupt and utterly depraved, all we can do is mitigate the evil he does.

The Catholic view which is essentially that mankind, since the Fall has lost the vision of God and therefore is capable of great evil but because he is made in the image of God, even by the use of his reason he is capable of doing good, and when touched by grace, through Revelation he is capable of living the supernatural life of utter holiness.

Liberalism is essentially pessimistic: Catholicism is optimistic; well that is my take on this debate, but read Fr Tim, if you haven't yet.


Anonymous said...

Bishop Hollis does appear to be contaminated by a liberal protestant heresy that makes him unable to see or speak Catholic truth on this matter. Unfortunately, such contamination will affect his judgment in many matters. God willing he will step aside soon or, better still, revert to Catholicism.

Dr. Peter H. Wright said...

Yes, I've read Fr. Tim Finigan's blog on this subject.

Benfan is quite right.

In the old days, when bishops still preached undiluted Catholicism and boldly rebuked vice, the Reuters headline would have read :

"Bishope denounces brothel regulation."

Today, we read :

"Bishop backs brothel regulation."

How does it help in the fight between Good and Evil when Catholic bishops say such things ?

These men are not leading the fight (as they should be).

They are merely spreading scandal and confusion (which they shouldn't be).

I'm terribly sorry to sound old fashioned, but there is such a thing as right and wrong.

Anonymous said...

Fr Ray, what are we to do??? At this point in time the Catholic Church in England & Wales seems to me to be adrift without anyone at the helm. The hierarchy supposedly in charge have forgotten how to use the 'compass' - the Truth, the Way, the Life and our Glorious Catholic Magisterium. We are being tossed, buffeted and savaged by the 'world' and our brave bishops do nothing. Where is our leadership? Save for a few good and holy priests we appear to be on our own folks. Holy Martyrs of England & Wales pray for us.

Anonymous said...

george ~ I suspect you are speaking without notes but you sound like Cardinal Ratzinger interpreting St. Paul during his sermon at the pre-conclave Mass!

Anonymous said...

A slightly tangential note on <<...that mankind is, since the Fall, totally corrupt and utterly depraved, all we can do is mitigate the evil he does.>> This is also the normal theological position of the Eastern Orthodox Church (especially Russian). I've read dozens of highly critical essays on the Roman Catholic Church doctrine from this point of view, basically accusing it in pelagianism. Basically, the argument is that the whole human substance was totally changed by the original sin. Although it's clearly totally illogical on both logical and chritological (and other) grounds. On logical, we human beings are not human beings any more:). On christological, how Jesus Christ (a true human being) could save a no-more-human beings by those terrible means? I was always amazed by tons of vague philosophical and spiritual argumentation against quite clear intellectual position.

Fr Ray Blake said...

Yes, I have heard and read that, from some Orthodox theologians. I would suspect that it is the effects of Protestant influences. The late Archbishop Bloom used to speak about the fall making man "sub human". Not utterly corrupt and depraved but losing the "life of grace".
Unfortunately there is a tendency to somehow deny human co-operation or resistance to Prevenient Grace.

Anonymous said...

Fr Blake for Middlesbrough! I know it is a couple of steps down from Westminster but gee, it's a start ...

Anonymous said...

The problem with the Church in the UK, is that we have suffered from years of liberal or middle of the road bishops.

A good case in point is was the bishopric in Middlesborough, here was a moment for the Pope to put his seal on the UK church and appoint an orthodox and dynamic bishop and he appoints Terry Drainey!

Until Pope Benedict appoints some decent bishops, the UK will stay in the mess we are in. And Bishop Hollis comments on the legalisation of brothels is symbolic of the mess we are in.

Gods wrath and anger will come upon the UK. God have mercy on us all.

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