In the Gospel for the EF Mass readings the blind man of Jericho screams and shouts until Jesus notices. In the OF the four men who are carrying their paralytic friend make a fuss and tear the roof of the house just to bring him to the Lord's attention.
Post Resurrection we not need to shout or tear houses apart for the Lord to notice, he knows what we need before we even ask.
Making a fuss doesn't attract his attention but it does focus our attention, it does make sure we are serious about prayer. It also helps us grow in faith, we need to make signs of faith to ourselves, not to God. We need to have victories to help us grow in our relationship with him.
Lent is about making a fuss. Abstaining from certain foods, fasting, vigils, a judicious use of penitential instruments; a slightly heavier crucifix around the neck or one on a slightly scratchy cord, or the endurance of a little pain such as kneeling on painful knees, even the discipline, celise or hair-shirt, in solidarity with Christ's suffering do nothing for Him but they can help us focus on Him. The great problem is that they can become an end in themselves and a source of pride. Inflicting a bit of discomfort on oneself whilst doing everyday actions, rather than during prayer time, especially for those who find prayer a difficulty it can help to focus our minds on the Lord, such things should never be used if they distract from him.
As a young man I remember how much my ardour grew for a girl I was fond of after walking six miles in the rain on a dark cold morning just to leave a rose on her doorstep on St Valentine's day. It increased my love for her but providentially not her love for me, she just thought it slightly weird. Such are the ways of lovers!
Thanks for the chuckle at the end, Father. (and thanks to the girl for not taking you away from us!)
Thanks Fr.
Giving up reading the Garbage Press wouldn't really be much of a Penance but it would certainly improve our mental health.
"...As a young man I remember how much my ardour grew for a girl I was fond of after walking six miles in the rain on a dark cold morning just to leave a rose on her doorstep on St Valentine's day. It increased my love for her but providentially not her love for me,..."
The woman to whom you give your heart and soul to now accepts your penances and sacrifices, and will hold you up as you account to our Divine Master...
Seems like you got the girl after all.
Look around you; see all you have done to make your Church worthy of the Blessed Sacrament.
In my little part of the world we call her 'Nuestra Senora Santa Maria de Guadalupe'.
"...[36] And when he heard the multitude passing by, he asked what this meant. [37] And they told him, that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by. [38] And he cried out, saying: Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me. [39] And they that went before, rebuked him, that he should hold his peace: but he cried out much more: Son of David, have mercy on me. [Luke 18:39] [Latin] [40] And Jesus standing, commanded him to be brought unto him..."
The Jews that accompanied Christ thought nothing of His Divinity.
The Blind Man, because he had love for God in his heart, could see Christ's Divinity.
So it is with those that clamour for a Rite versus those that cry out for the Blessed Sacrament in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Christ's Divinity is to be found in the Mass of all time.
Please take some time to visit my site and listen to the Lent series of sermons there.
It is there in the hope souls may be edified.
No donations are accepted; please give a Padre a Mass stipend, or alms to the poor.
Please say a Hail Mary for the Padres and Madres at that site.
Que Dios les bendiga.
Ah, Father,lovers are rarely understood and most frequently left with unrequited love. I am sure your have the Best, Most Beautiful Lady in the Universe as Your Love, the Blessed Virgin Mary. God bless you this Lent.
And, we do penance for our own good and the good of the Mystical Body of Christ.
Her loss is our gain Father. (I would have been so impressed I would have married you at once!)
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