Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Clergy Retreat in Bavaria

Fr Armand de Mallery FSSP emailed me to ask to publicise the forthcoming Retreat for any clergy - bishops, priests or deacons, he asked me if I was going but I really can't get away.

Looking for a break after Easter the FSSP are running a CLERGY RETREAT with MARY 5th-9th May 2014 in Bavaria at a cost of just £270. 
"The Retreat will be on the theme: ‘The Blessed Virgin Mary and the priest’. In reference to Pope Francis’ decision to consecrate the World to Mary’s Immaculate Heart, we will strive as priests to deepen our relationship to God through Mary. We will meditate on the mission of the Blessed Virgin Mary to help us be configured to her Son the Sovereign High Priest. This will include: the role of Mary in the Incarnation and Redemption; her purity and humility at the Annunciation; her charity at the Visitation and at Cana; her hope and faith on Calvary; her spiritual motherhood in relation to the beloved disciple St John. Our Lady will help us deepen the love of our priestly celibacy and our sponsal relationship to the flock entrusted to our pastoral care and to the Church in general. The retreat will be held at the Marian Shrine of Wigratzbad in Bavaria, from Monday 5 May to Friday 9 May 2014 (third week after Easter)."
Go here for more information 
contact Fr de Mallery

1 comment:

Nicolas Bellord said...

For one moment I thought your headline meant that Kaspar and other dissident clergy were in retreat!

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