It has been suggested the children ay the centre of the Rotherham UKIP fiasco are Polish, I suppose their "ethnic needs" would at least in part be met by a Catholic adoption agency. It is a pity that same totalitarianism exhibited by the social workers in this case closed them all down, isn't it?
The outrage caused by this, I suspect is going to be repeated again and again as increasingly authoritarian governments and increasingly authoritarian government employees try to impose a very narrow spectrum of government approved thinking on us Proles.
It is all to do with Natural Law.
Does anyone with such political agendas ever think of the children? To hold a party-position which tears a thriving foster family is iniquitous. Scary. Very scary
I've never seen a 'twin' city which has instead of it's national flag the EU state flag. Perhaps this is why they hate UKIP so much.
The People's Republc of South Yorkshire in it's 40th year is still as totalitarian as ever.
Their stupidity is asking for the comment that this is the town that allowed its children to be abused by Asian men.
South Yorkshire has had a brain transplant but it appears that it has been interfered with;Brighton has been infected similarly by Greenitis
Will it be our turn next, I fear so?
I'd like to adopt or foster one day when the children are a little older. We're too scared to apply as not only would we be refused but no doubt our existing children would be removed by the right thinking liberals of Brighton & Hove council due to homophobia and indoctrination!
How did we know of this ?
A "free" press can report
let's hope the press does not become cowed into self censorship
This has been going on since the early fifties.
It's just spread and become entrenched and unshakeable, that's all.
I'd like to adopt or foster one day when the children are a little older. We're too scared to apply as not only would we be refused but no doubt our existing children would be removed by the right thinking liberals of Brighton & Hove council due to homophobia and indoctrination!
In the growing list of "Yes, as it happens, what other people do does affect adherents of traditional marriage." I had never thought of that one. Excellent point!
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