Friday, February 02, 2007

A Rublev Deeisis

Iconastas has a Deeisis attributed to Andrei Rublev on offer, very expensive I should think, I rang Chris at the shop in Piccadilly Arcade to ask how much, "We haven't even thought about it,"he said. Apparently they were the property of a dealer in Lebanon who bought them in the 1960s and held onto them. They are small domestic icons about 8" tall, the experts who have seen them suggest Rublev as a likely artist.
If you go to the shop they aren't there but will displayed later in the year at a masterpieces exhibition.
My mouth waters, so if you are looking for an anniversary of ordination present for me, or just a nice gift, or even if just wanted to house them with me for a decade or so, I would be absoluted delighted.
Aren't they wonderful, the simplicity of line, the minimum of detail, the empitomy of "noble simplicity".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We'll see what we can do

The Lord’s descent into the underworld

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