There are not many English parish priests who will find at 4.30 in the morning fourteen people at prayer in his church. I really am very pleased with how well 40 Hours is going. The Lord calls his own, and his own seek him out.
I am pleased with how well the Liturgy of the Hours has been going. We have sung it, those who have been present when we have done it, although they are quite unfamiliar with it, have joined in, not untunefully. It is surprising how few resources for the Ordinary Form Office are actually available in the vernacular.
More pictures here
Warmest Congratulations.
If this happened in every parish in the country, we would change this nation in no time. Thank you for being such a good pastor.
That is great. Thank you.
"I am pleased with how well the Liturgy of the Hours has been going. We have sung it, those who have been present when we have done it, although they are quite unfamiliar with it, have joined in, not untunefully. "
Laus Deo! I am convinced that we must recover the Office, and in particular its public recitation, if the Church is to be renewed. It is great news to hear it is being sung in your parish, Father.
One of the greatest experiences for me this eyar was being able to go to (almost) the entire Office - sung in the vernacular - over Easter.
"It is surprising how few resources for the Ordinary Form Office are actually available in the vernacular."
Sadly, this is true - and the ones I've found online aren't much use, either. Just another sad example of how the Office has been marginalised.
Fr Ray,
How wonderful to have such a Parish at Prayer-please keep me in your prayers!
God Bless You All.
How wonderful to read this . Eucharistic Adoration will go a long way in making reparation to Our Lord for the many blasphemies & sacrileges committed against Him in the Blessed sacrament .
Pax et bonum .
From Our Lady`s Land of the Southern Cross .
Speaking of the Liturgy of the Hours - I would love to be able to sing the psalms. Does anyone know of a CD/ DVD recording of the Grail psalms in correct psalm tones?
The parish I am at now, St. Lawrence in Feltham, does the morning office before every weekday Mass.
Father, we joined you also in prayer. Congratulations very well done.
This is 'solidarity' indeed.
I have just found a site which has some good explanations on:
What is adoration?
Why adore?
How to adore?
among other things Eucharistic.
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