Thanks to Bishop Egan of Portsmouth for this "Statement" on his diocesan website on Gay Marriage.
I was involved today in a discussion with some young men and women about civil disobedience, it wasn't a terribly serious conversation. We thought of the great examples of the saints like St Edmund Campion putting printed copies his "brag" on the seats of Bloody Bess's Privy Council when they met in Oxford. I favoured the spirit of St Lawrence presenting the wealth of the Church of Rome to the Emperor and feeding the hungry in front of the Town Hall on Saturdays during the wedding season, someone else suggested doing so outside our our Brighton MP's houses. We thought that blowing trumpets or vuvuzelas outside the local Conservative Party Offices like Joshua at Jericho but then we were rather anxious about the health and safety aspects, just in case the building did actually fall down.
The problem with being Christians and civil disobedience is that we don't really want to break the law, or even inconvenience anyone, so we settled on saying the Holy Rosary and asking Our Lady to get Mr Cameron to learn to tell the truth instead.
A little off topic I know but there's so much in the news about gay marriage and royal babies. I keep wondering if it's really possible we might one day have 'Princess Elizabeth marries Kylie' on our tea-towels?
You chose the better part but unfortunately Cameron isn't listening. Our Lady is.
The problem with being Christians and civil disobedience is that we don't really want to break the law, or even inconvenience anyone, so we settled on saying the Holy Rosary and asking Our Lady to get Mr Cameron to learn to tell the truth instead..."
I find this post very troubling in that a Catholic Priest wrote it.
The theology in this post is wrong.
Te conclusion borders very closely on sacrilege.
Liberalism and eating too much Vatican II fruit?
Troubling, very troubling.
Princess Elizabeth marries Kylie? hmm there would be a slight difficulty on the problem of the succession (the heir and spare) though logic does not seem to be the strong point of advocates of SSM.
When I hear about Proposition 8 in California (when the populace voted against SSM) being overturned by a judicial sleight of hand, I wonder when something will burst in the USA - either civil disobedience or worse.
On a lighter note, I was amused by the cartoon in the Telegraph this morning with Cameron as Gollum holding the ring of gay marriage and uttering the words 'my preciousss'
Tonia what if the baby's a boy and contracts a 'gay' marriage? We'd then have two queens on the throne.
The monarch is implicitly banned from having a SSM. Which is interesting...
For the first battle of the Cristiada, in Colima, Mexico, the American Freemasons armed and equipped the Mexican Federale Troops to the teeth.
The poor barefoot Mexicans only had sticks and stones with which to engage the enemies of God and His Christ.
The Mexicans routed the Troops; the Federalies turned and ran away in terror and fear.
After the Pope had the Cristeros surrender to the Freemasons, they were asked what happened.
The Troops replied they saw thousands rather than a handful of Cristeros; a woman was leading them, and every time they shot Her, the bullets just disappeared inside Her.
The Cristeros, who had called upon Our Lady for a victory, was given just that.
The Cristeros had Faith. They lived in Habitual Grace.
They called upon their Mother who answered their cries.
Worldly solutions to any problem come from Satan.
Stand on the Truth.
Have Faith.
Ditch the politics and political correctness; it is sacrilege.
David did not negotiate with Goliath.
On the Feast Day of Our Lady, Nuestra Senora Santa Maria de Guadalupe, we will petition Our Lady on your behalf, that she continue to keep you in the fold of her mantle, and provide you with graces and blessing that you might impart to your sheep.
Que Dios te bendiga, Padre Blake.
Viva Cristo Rey!
The French Catholics protested on the streets at the prompting of the Archbishop of Paris. This involved thousands although few thought it important enough to report. I await the call from our own bishops (or anyone else) and will respond.
Sadly, this is, as I started to write in January of this year, and have re-posted, the age of nice. I am so tired of youth telling me we have to have tact. Um...sin has no rights. I think that there is a long history of civil disobedience, mostly ending in martyrdom.
All those early Christians REFUSED to worship the emperor as a god, and that was against the law.
We need more real men...and women.
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