I remember years ago a Greek friend of mine telling me that prayers for the Royal Family in his local Orthodox church began, "Let us pray for the Royal Family, for her Gracious and Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth, for her Consort Philip, the apostate ...". I was never quite sure whether he was pulling my leg or not but certainly Prince Philip was baptised into the Greek Orthodox Church. I do not know if he ever became a communicating member of the Church of England, or just pushed religion onto the back burner. The rumours are now that he has returned to Orthodoxy. He has certainly collaborated with the Patriarch of Constantinople on various projects. Recently he became the first "Royal" to visit Walsingham, at least since the Reformation, admittedly to open an Anglican visitor's centre.
Again the Queen, who notoriously is a "low church" Anglican is reportedly unhappy with the direction the ecclesial community, of which she is Supreme Governor, is going.
One of Fr Dwight's alter-egoes has an amusing take on these goings on.
The Duchess of Kent has been to Walsingham on several occasions - before and after her conversion.
Prince Philip's mother became an Orthodox nun after the death of her husband.
The fact that he's Eastern Orthodox is no bar to the Queen acquiring or retaining the throne.
Last week, the Daily Telegraph reported that sources at the Vatican claim the Queen's sympathy for Catholicism has increased as she has become "appalled", along with the Prince of Wales, at developments in the Church of England. The Queen, who is the Supreme Governor of the Church, is "also said to have an affinity with the Holy Father, who is of her generation".
Oh, happy day!
It should be noted that HM and HH are the only two serving heads of state to have served in uniform in WWII.
Prince Philip's mother, Alice of Battenburg, is honored at Yad Vashem as one of the Righteous Among Gentiles for sheltering Jewish refugees in Athens during the war. It's a shame this isn't more widely known.
I am sure HRH Prince Philip's mother is putting in a word for her son, she was after all a nun in the Greek Orthodox Church.
His Holiness will also be staying at Buckingham Palace.
There is now a chance for us to be Un-Reformed and then seek a pardon for all murdered Catholics.
I gather Princess Margaret was much more high church, and I believe I'd also read that some years ago Prince P. had returned to Orthodoxy. And as others have noted his mother was a nun who'd don't "righteous" work. Who knows, Perhaps QEII will be a death bed convert. Sooner would be better, of course. IIRC PP is 1st cousin once removed with the Nicholas II's children, and it's known that whole family was very religious, so it doesn't surprise me that Philip's mother was the same way.
Oh, and a question for you -- at the end of the EF form of high Mass in England, do you say the prayers for the queen?
Karen, Over this side of the pond Catholics tend to be Anti Royalist for obvious reasons.
The 'royal' I am anti, Nickbris, is that once-so-true Catholic, Henry VIII. The events since his apostasy are not the responsibility of Elizabeth II, who has upheld her faith with dignity and conviction. (He that is not against you, is for you, as the Gospel told us only two Sundays ago).
Let the anti-monarchist forces succeed in turning GB into a republic, and then we will realise the true target for their hatred. (Duh ... could it be us?)
"Catholics tend to be Anti Royalist"
Nonsense - aren't we all good Jacobites here? It's only the Protestant monarchy we should be objecting to.
Being of Irish parentage I tend towards republicanism (although my maternal grandfather was ex-British Army and was known as a "West Briton").
As for the monarch converting - that just isn't going to happen. It's not so long ago that the fiancée of one of the minor Royals (can't remember which) was persuaded to apostasise so that he wouldn't lose his succession (about 24th in line or something) to the throne.
Crux Fidelis: Autumn Kelly converted from Catholicism to Anglicanism when she married Peter Phillips in 2008. Peter Phillips, son of the Princess Royal and Mark Phillips, is 11th in line to the British throne.
I don't think Ms Kelly was particularly devout not helped by the fact she comes from a broken home.
"Peter Phillips....is 11th in line to the British throne"
And extremely unlikely to succeed to the throne. So why all the pressure on Ms Kelly to apostasise?
The heir to the throne can "marry" a divorced person in a registry office but he may not marry a Catholic. What does that say to you?
Catholicism is the last taboo as far as the monarchy is concerned.
"I don't think Ms Kelly was particularly devout not helped by the fact she comes from a broken home"
So better a staunch Protestant in a stable family than a not particularly devout Catholic in a dysfunctional one?
Thanks for the answers, but let me rephrase slightly: At the end of a high Mass are the Prayers for the monarch proscribed or "optinal" or do some people say them and others remain mum?
I guess that's what I really meant to say.
She really is wearing much nicer hats these days.
But finally starting to look her age, poor thing.
I can't help liking her.
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