Wednesday, August 17, 2011


First report I have had from World Youth Day is from a former parishioner said simply, "HOT HOT HOT -Opening Mass in P de Cibeles, almost everything in Spanish. Dissapointing!". That is it. I watched a few clips and it did all seem to be in Spanish, with rather dull music.
If ever there was a time for the use of the proper language and music of the Latin Rite surely it is an event like World Youth Day.

Enough of the Vulgar, give us the Imperial tongue, et date nobis nunc!


Cettis Warbler said...

No grumbling, Father! Montserrat on Sunday was buzzing with groups of pilgrims and the atmosphere was fantastic. I've never seen anything like it; excited young people from all over the world, all proud of their faith.... and they were only en route to WYD. I even met one of my ex-students.... It gave me great hope for the future.

Physiocrat said...

"masses were held in several different languages"

This is so divisive in the Universal Church. I see it all the time locally. It weakens the Church. It should not be happening.

The Catholic youth movement needs to be centred on the traditional Latin Mass.

And on the subject of youth, an increasing number of teenagers are wearing rosaries, presumably as a style statement. But - I was talking to a friend about this - a woman of around seventy. When she sees anyone wearing one, she asks them if they know what it means. The answer is invariably no, what? At which point she explains. She told me that she has never had anything other than an polite response.

The Russian Orthodox church is enjoying a huge revival at the moment. This began with the wearing of crosses under communism, as a style statement.

We need to read the signs.

Cettis Warbler said...

Physiocrat, the wearing of rosaries/rosary bracelets/bracelets with images of saints is indeed a fashion statement but like your friend, I have found it a very useful way of starting a conversation about Catholicism.

I have also found that Anglican young people also like to wear Catholic bracelets.....

justin said...

Sigh...will people actually report the facts accurately..especially considering we can view the opening Mass itself.

Almost everything in Spanish?

Well yes if you exclude the actual ORDINARY of the Mass which was sung ENTIRELY in Latin!!!

How often does that happen at one's own parish? How often would this have happened 10 years ago?

And the Love and Life centre which has been designated as the centre for English speaking youth...the morning daily catechesis session had the sisters of Life from the Archdiocese of NY teaching 12,000 English speaking youth from across the world how to chant in Latin the Mass ordinary prior to the daily Mass. They gave reasons why Latin was used, and why chant is important and you know what...the youth whooped and cheered.

As for the Mass English...apart from the Gregorian propers which were sung by a choir in Latin and the Ordinary of the Mass sung by everyone and the Ave Maria sung at the end...

I wish people would report the whole thing!

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