I am a little skeptical about e-petitions, I have never done it before, but let's have ago.
I want the Holy Father to restore or re-introduce the Octave of Pentecost
There are many arguments in favour of this, ranging from the ranging from the hermeneutic of continuity of an ancient Tradition, to the highlighting of the "birthday" of the Church, there are good theological, catechetical and even ecumenical reasons too.
If you have a blog please copy this link.
Restore the Octave of PentecostFor people outside of the United Kingdom just leave county tag empty
Fr Ray, how can we Yanks to join in? It seems to be geared toward allowing only Britons to sign the petition.
Carl,I'll check
Fr Ray, can you add other countries and make this "universally catholic"? I think your petition is a wonderful idea and many people from countries other than the UK would sign it.
Hello Father Ray,
Here via the New Liturgical Movement. I could not agree more and can we add Septuagisma to it as well?
Father Blake,
A wonderful idea...
As I celebrate the TLM exclusively, I already observe the octave annually but I have gladly signed the petition.
God blessing on your endeavor...
I'd subscribe, if there were more than Britains Counties. Im yust from Austria (others would probably sign too)
Michael, subscribe, but leave the county slot empty, as other people from the rest of Europe have.
For most people, TLM means the 'rite' of 1962 -- Of course, there is an Octave of Pentecost, but how many other octaves were suppressed? Let us petition the Holy Father to restore all the suppressed octaves, even in the usus not-so antiquior...
A blessed Octave of Corpus Christi to all your readers !
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