Saturday, August 30, 2008

Dear Herr Hitler...., love Marie Stopes

In Hoc Signo Vinces carries a post about Marie Stopes the eugenicist and anti-semite appearing on British stamps.

Gerald Warner begins a post on the same subject

"Dear Herr Hitler, Love is the greatest thing in the world: so will you accept from me these (poems) that you may allow the young people of your nation to have them?"

These gushing words from an ardent fan (she was lucky Unity Mitford did not scratch her eyes out) were written in August 1939, just a month before this country went to war with Nazi Germany, by Marie Stopes, the "woman of distinction" who will ornament our 50p stamps from October.

I am afraid any items of post arriving here with this stamp on it will be returned to the sender.
I hope other bloggers take this up, especially amongst the Jewish community.


alban said...

Stopes is lauded for being a pioneer in the family planning movement, whilst her anti-semitism and belief in the forced sterlisation of "inferior" groups remains without comment. She is even reported as persecuting her son and cutting him out of her will because he had the audacity to marry a woman who needed to wear spectacles.

Like you, this stamp will neither be purchased by me nor welcomed in my post. A letter of complaint will be winging its way to the Post Office authorities.

Anonymous said...

Good good good......

George said...

Surely this is some sick joke Fr Ray, or is our government so morally bankrupt that it is actually allowing the post office to issue these stamps. If so then they may as well have gone the whole nine yards and stuck Hitler's mush on the stamp. This is a real full-on slap in the face for all that remains wholesome, holy and dignified in this country - and there's really not that much to shout about! What next? - bronze busts of leading UK abortionists adorning street corners.

The rot and decay has set deep in the fabric of British society - fuelled by political crazies. These stamps are just another symptom of the moral relativism we find ourselves drowning in. I will certainly complain out LOUD if I am ever given one of these stamps across a post office counter. We all should.

Anonymous said...

The continued lauding of Marie Stopes as a national heroine is a disgrace. Supporters of Stopes continue to use the 'climate of the times' argument to defend her beliefs, forgetting that millions of people died resisting the evil of Nazism that this supposedly 'progressive' person supported.
Check out this blog post.

nickbris said...

It'll be Dr Mengele next .

There are no end of IDIOTS in charge of this country,nothing can possibly surprise us.

Do we know who dreamt this one up?

NICE & the Optimum Population Institute need investigating.

Anonymous said...

A sign of the times, Father.

Physiocrat said...

This is depressing, What a horrible country Britain has become and I am due back on 3 October. It is reading stuff like this and the piffle from the Chancellor that is making me think about booking my next trip.

Physiocrat said...

Was she arrested in 1940 under Regulation 18B together Oswald Moseley and that crowd? Sounds like she should have been. But then Nazis are just a sub species of socialists. Nazi is short for National Socialist German Workers' Party, (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)

leutgeb said...

50p stamp. Isn't that the one for Europe? Maybe people abroad will complain. Time for some letters to Royal Mail, me thinks.

I shall pay a trip to a Post Office to buy some and make sure I get the plain ones.

'No thank you, I believe Marie Stopes was a supporter of Hitler and wanted black people sterilized.'

Anonymous said...

Although I write a regular column in a Stamp magazine, this is the first information I have seen about this particular stamp. I am not a philatelist at all but shall certainly include my criticism of this stamp (and presumably matching postcard)in my next column and register my disgust at this production.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the warning, Father. This all goes to prove the moral bankruptcy of this country. Blair and his cronies have a lot to answer for - and that includes those who think they have received him into full communion with the Catholic Church - going through the process (without sincerity of faith) doesn't bring any ontological change.

I'll refuse to accept them.

gemoftheocean said...

Joe, wild curiosity....Blair's been out of office for a while now ... do you really think a PM has it in his everyday duties to propose and approval of the postage stamps?!

Anonymous said...

Karen - you`re assuming that the Liberal Intelligentsia are living on the same planet as the rest of us.

They aren't !

Which is fine, as long as you don`t want balanced, reasonable CATHOLIC argument un-skewed to their odd agenda.

Anonymous said...

gemoftheocean - the final approval for stamp designs in Britain is taken by the Queen. Designs are submitted to her for the various issues.

I was interested to learn that in 1965 'in response to a public furore questions are asked in both houses of Parliament about the depiction of a Nazi swastika and the german cross on two of the new Battle of Britain stamps.' Will the new stamp in question receive such attention I wonder?

Anonymous said...

Karen - his legacy lives on. He and his governement (of which the current PM was a leading player) are responsible for much of the moral bankruptcy of the UK today - and, believe me, the UK is morally bankrupt. That's why I used his name.

I'm not saying that he was personally responsible for the issuing of these diabolical (in the literal sense of the word) stamps. That's down to some Government department, though in theory the monarch gives her approval to them and they are issued in her name.

George said...

Letters to her majesty then, folks?

nickbris said...

It is not Blair or Brown or anybody else in the House of Parliament.

Pressure groups like Stonewall,PETA.Greenpeace and other assorted Greens,Gays,Vegetarians,Comic-Singers & Trickcyclists are running this country.

Anonymous said...

Her son Harry Stopes-Roe has a blog on the Guardian today (2 September).

I keep getting banned from posting on it, as I'm too politically incorrect for them.

Could someone please visit the Guardian Comment is Free section and point out MS's links to Hitler?

Physiocrat said...

I read the Daily Mail's article and comments. These do not come from the left wing "intelligentsia". These is man-in-the-put stuff. It shows the extent to which Nazi attitudes are permeating British society and nobody has identified it. Scary stuff.

Physiocrat said...

I meant MAN-IN-THE-PUB stuff. That which passes for thought.

.The Cellarer said...

I'm toying with the idea of buying the stamps and after affixing, scoring 'Family Planning' out and writing 'Eugenicist' in...

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