Remarkably for The Times there is a positive article about Natural Family Planning or Natural Procreative Technology (NPT).
In a "greener" society were younger people are rejecting drugs and other forms of invasive medical technology the Church really ought to be encouraging this with much more enthusiasm.
Here's another alternative for couples who do not want IVF
Natural Procreative Technology or NaProTechnology is an innovative medical science that works cooperatively with the body's natural procreative cycles, enhancing the chances for procreation in a way that is natural and healthy
Oops I think i have just stated the obvious, that will teach me not to read things more carefully.
The government does not want to help with infertility in a holistic manner. In fact I am shocked that they have any interest in fertility. On the one hand they are aborting babies with the next they are trying to create them??????
This book is a great resource:
"Fertility, Cycles & Nutrition" by Marilyn Shannon.
ISBN 0-926412-09-4
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