I hope you manage to remember the words for the blessing of incense. I remember a story in my anglican days of the old Bishop of Wakefield, Eric Treacy (more famous for steam trains than liturgy) presiding at his very anglo catholic cathedral. When presented with the incense for blessing by the thurifer he was reputed to have waved his hand over the smoke muttering "It'll do you no harm if it does you no good!"
Father, perhaps you could remind everyone that extensive videos of the Pope's visit to the Holy Land are diffused through the French website www.ktotv.com Even those who have no French can click on a picture and then see the Holy Father moving, smiling, blessing the faithful...
Pray for us Holy Father!
I hope you manage to remember the words for the blessing of incense. I remember a story in my anglican days of the old Bishop of Wakefield, Eric Treacy (more famous for steam trains than liturgy) presiding at his very anglo catholic cathedral. When presented with the incense for blessing by the thurifer he was reputed to have waved his hand over the smoke muttering "It'll do you no harm if it does you no good!"
Father, perhaps you could remind everyone that extensive videos of the Pope's visit to the Holy Land are diffused through the French website www.ktotv.com Even those who have no French can click on a picture and then see the Holy Father moving, smiling, blessing the faithful...
C&D as kids sometimes we'd make a sign of the cross and say
"ICanPlayDominosBetterThanYOUcan." as fast as you could.
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