Here is a link to Father Sean Finnegan's homily at my jubilee on the Carthusian Martyrs and Vocation. A priest of the diocese describes him as the best preachers in the country, I am always biased about my friends.
At Matins/the Office of Readings on Holy Saturday the Church gives us this 'ancient homily', I find it incredibly moving, it is abou...
A difficult claim to substantiate - but we are certainly very blessed to have him in Shoreham.
I heartily agree with your priest friend's assessment of Fr Sean's preaching, and drive many miles as often as we can to benefit from his God-given skill. Thank you so much for making his Jubilee sermon available to those of us unable to be present on Tuesday.
Ad multos annos, Father Ray!
Excellent sermon,as you rightly say,the Carthusian Martyrs are often overshadowed by their companion Martyrs John Fisher & Thomas More.
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