This points to the big divide: the Church sees human beings fulfilled by relationships whilst Mrs Blair sees fulfillment in by being an economic cog. Incarnate spirituality versus materialism.
At Matins/the Office of Readings on Holy Saturday the Church gives us this 'ancient homily', I find it incredibly moving, it is abou...
A half-decent QC could blast her argument out of the water, for Mrs Blair, bless her, has admitted that her first child was "unplanned" - so much for holding back her career? http://tinyurl.com/lzcdde
Perhaps Mr and Mrs Blair would be happier as members of the gay-friendly Metropolitan Community Church.
Her fourth child doesn't seem to have held her back much, either.
The 'Blair Project' seems to be to push every and any attempt at damaging the Catholic Church.
Well, Cherie dear, the gates of hell will NEVER prevail, so stop wasting your and our time and go join some sect or other that enjoys howling at the moon! You'll be at home there, for sure.
Dammit - was that very un-Christian of me???? ;-)
Well, that puts Our Lady right out of the picture doesn't it... ;)
Remember that child #4 was a "mistake "- she forgot her "contraception kit". Does wonders for a child's self-esteem to know that they weren't really planned- possibly not even really wanted. But imagine the story if the word got out that Sts Tony and Cherie, faced with an unplanned pregnancy had decided on an abortion. I think Even they would not have had the bravado to ride that storm. Holy Mary Mother of God, Blessed Virgin, pray for us.
That woman is just so common.
Having got the Labour Party to abandon socialism with the abandonment of Clause 4 of its Constitution, the Blairs have moved on to bigger game. I wonder when they will attempt to alter the Creeds?
I'm aware, universal doctor, that child no. 4 was a "mistake" (won't it be fun when he gets old enough to dip into Mum's memoirs?), but my point was that she scarcely seems to have been held back by his arrival.
Perhaps we need to implore Holy Mary Mother of God, Blessed Virgin and all the saints to pray for them.
Would that she would ensconce her substantial oral faculty in the latex she so avidly promotes then maybe just maybe we could all sleep a little better knowing that this vale of tears is a tad more tolerable.
Ma Tucker - you have a way with words :-)
Frankly, both Cherie and her dear hubby should just 'put a sock in it'. Why do they need to address the public forum on Catholic Church and moral matters anyway?
They talk far too much about matters on which they are totally ignorant. Trouble is they get away with it because the rest of the population is even more ignorant than they are!
Tony's 'Nu-Labor Nanny State' system has everyone standing around wondering what they should think, do and say next!
I love the fact that anything the Blairs say about the Catholic Church is taken as Gospel Truth, yet when the Vatican puts forward a statement it is automatically critised and the Blairs opinion registered as public information.
Why doesn't Cherie give lectures on child rearing, after all she has four children?????
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