I was sent these photographs by Clare B*w*k*l*, she is responsible for the graffiti. They are from our Solemn Requiem on All Souls Day. Small children and nervous pets would have no problem with the first image but the second is terrifying. Isn't the face on that, a good arguement for Mass celebrated ad Orientem. With this paricular priest there are obviously pastoral reasons why it is a must. The Holy See really should intervene, there should be petitions of the faithful that this particular marionette should either be kept in his box or forbidden ever to turn to the faithful.
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At Matins/the Office of Readings on Holy Saturday the Church gives us this 'ancient homily', I find it incredibly moving, it is abou...
A French newspaper has reported Pope Francis, once Benedict dies, will abrogate Summorum Pontificum and handover Old Rite's celebrat...
I was at the Verona Opera Festival when Summorum Pontificum was published but it wasn't until All Souls Day that I first attempted to s...
At Matins/the Office of Readings on Holy Saturday the Church gives us this 'ancient homily', I find it incredibly moving, it is abou...
Actually, I found the "smoke rings" around your head rather more disturbing...
But, on a more serious note, yes, Mass celebrated ad orientem is so much more reverent - the priest's personality is forced off centre-stage, and he becomes our mediator, truly the alter christus (I probably spelled that incorrectly, but I'm sure you know what I mean!!
Oh, Father, c'mon now -- you're not even wearing a clown nose, and I hate to say it, but Clark Gable wouldn't have had to worry about losing a part to you.
It's the "average looking" guys that have the least to worry about.
Somewhere between "Father Quasimodo" and "Father What-a-waste" is the most fortuitious.
"Mass Face" is kind of like "game face" i.e. "All business" so you're really okay, then. Not to worry!
(and CB -- photoshop a ciggie in next time!!!)
So this woman came to Mass, took the picture, scratched some words on it and then sent it to you!! How odd!!
Matthew 5:11
I see a fearfully and wonderfully made face, and a head that has every single hair on it preciously numbered.
Anyway, just think, as you continue to be transformed into His Image, you will one day be made a Saint, and all these fotos will be like gold dust then.
I thought the smoke rings were a halo!
Well more & more I'm of the opinion that a validly celebrated Mass is more important to me. Naturally all the Oratory Masses apart from the school are ad orientem..but I've been going also to a nearby Church..very holy priests & the Mass was so devout & reverent I actually didn't notice the priests faces..so I haven't personally got a problem with it. I love the Holy Father's Masses facing the people..but perhaps he's better looking than you Fr Ray!
Surely this is so much better than those irritating clergy who conduct services with inane, supercilious grins on their faces the whole time, trying to look happy and ending up just looking silly and slightly retarded?
There is - or perhaps more accurately used to be - a certain brand of Anglo Catholicism insisting that Sacred Ministers at Mass - especially High Mass - should look bored and aloof the whole time. Perhaps in reality both extremes are equally silly. I am happy with the Celebrant facing in either direction but, given a choice I prefer him to be facing east. Invariably the furniture arrangements necessary for Mass facing the people make the church look a total mess, especially when there is an unused, beautiful High Altar sanctuary in the background.
You know as well as I do that Clare meant this as a joke and it should be taken as such by everyone!!!
Reminds me of Dave Allen playing a priest; he often used to do funeral sketches.
Someone in the parish, check tomorrow that Father has all his fingers.
However forbidding your face may be Father, it is not as awful as the sight of the skimpy outline of the front of a "Roman" chasuble.
All those kiddies may be scared off Father! I shall write at once to the CDW to give you an indult to celebrate mass vesus Deum exclusively!
I've seen that serious face when you're looking over a menu!
Victoria -- only your really good friends make a point of stepping on your brand new white tennis shoes.
Are you trying to lure 'the Cardinal' to comment on your blog? I don't think his 'eminence' would dare to confront you face to grim face. He prefers to make snide comments about the clergy behind their backs. Come to think of it, I'm surprised he doesn't favour a orientem celebration for that very reason ...
Reminds me of the old woman who said to her PP "I prefer the old Mass, Father. You know, the one where we couldn't see your face."
Hahahaha, funny...
But I love Ad Orientem, and if God willing I'm able to make it to England, I'd love to be at the Masses
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