Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Archbishop to celebrate at the High Altar

NLM reports that the installation of Archbishop Nichols will take place at Benson's oiginal High Altar, although it is possible to say Mass behind the altar, contra populum, against the people, NLM suggests the celebration will be ad apsidum, the Archbishop facing the same direction as the people.

Added later
Apparently the celebration will be contra populum, says a source from the cathedral, and one of the main reasons for the removal of the forward facing altar is to get another 60 concelebrants onto the sanctuary. Cardinal Murphy O'Connor used the old High Altar for the ordaination of Bishop Stack.


Joe said...

It's good that the High Altar will be used. Let's hope that Mass will be celebrated ad orientem, though I would guess not.

big benny said...

There is not enough room to genuflect behind the high altar, least to position deacons behind it as well. I'm guessing that it will therefore be ad orientum (which i would be disappointed about). Alternatively, if the altar is used facing te people then a profound bow could be made instead which might be a good compromise???

georgem said...

Another 60 concelebrants on the sanctuary? Oh dear, oh dear.

mafeking said...

"...and one of the main reasons for the removal of the forward facing altar is to get another 60 concelebrants onto the sanctuary"

Oh no, I'm getting that "nothing's going to change much" feeling again.

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