Tuesday, May 12, 2009

O Glorious Day

Before I go to bed a few snaps of my Jubilee celebrations, better pictures will available soon.

Some friends

Fr Aaron - despiked

Canon Tim - without the gerbil mozetta

Maria who looks after the house

My goddaughter with her mum, dad, big sister and little brother
Fr William in front of Fr David, old and kind friends.
More picture may be found on the Mac's blog later, or even Fr Tim's.


lyda said...

Congratulations and thank you!

gemoftheocean said...

Great pics. Thanks for taking the time to post them after what must ahve been a long, exhausting, and joyful day!

[I 'spected that Fr. Aaron's spike wouldn't last!]

Sharon said...

Father, I hope you had a wonderful day. Thank you for your faithful witness in a time when so many priests are a witness to scandal.

elena maria vidal said...

Congratulations, Father!

carl said...

Congratulations on your anniversary, Father. Thank you for all you do for us.

Joe of St. Thérèse said...

Congratulations Father :)

Abeto said...

O glorious day, o glorious news! Fr. Ray, Juli and I are so happy because your jubilee. Congratulations for your devoted life to God and parishioners.
You are in our prays. God bless you!
Carlos and Juli

Richard said...

Looks utterly splendid.

Many congratulations to you, Father.

Annie said...

It looks wonderul Father! We were so sorry not to have been able to make it!

fr paul harrison said...

Ad Multos Annos Fr Ray!. Looked like a splenid Mass.

I will remember at my next Mass.

Crux Fidelis said...

Ecce sacerdos magnus, qui in diebus suis placuit Deo.

It looks like you had a wonderful celebration. Congratulations and God bless.

Anna said...

Congrats! It looks like it was wonderrful.

Physiocrat said...

Many thanks, father, for setting this up. I hope SMM will not have to wait another 50 years for a similar celebration of the liturgy.

georgem said...

Wish I could have been there in person, but was with you in spirit. I logged in mentally and timed the significant points I thought you might have reached in the Mass and offered prayers at each. I'm waiting in anticipation for more pix.
Thanks for a courageous and reasoned blog and for dedicating your life to serving God and us.
Congrats and many more fruitful years to come, Fr. God bless you.

Adulio said...

Congratulations Fr Ray. The mass looks sublime and just what you would have wanted. I am sad that according to Fr Sean's blog, you did not have this for your ordination but at least some way, you've made up for it.

Now hopefully the sight of a high mass can be a regular occurrence at St Mary Magdalen! You didn't invite Elena Curti to report for this occasion by any chance ;-)

Fr. John Zuhlsdorf o{]:¬) said...

Ad multos annos for your jubilee!

I hope to see you soon.

Ms Jackie said...

Congrats Father!

Paulinus said...

Congratulations and thank you for your priestly work. The good Lord sees and I am sure shower you with his blessings.

walterandrea said...

Congratulations from an italian reader

Andrea Brown said...

Congratulations, Father. I enjoy reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Father! Bless you.

Laurinda said...

Congratulations Father!

Anonymous said...


Indelible Inkstain said...

Congratulations, Father, on this great day and many thanks for your wonderful work! :)

Andreae said...

God bless you Fr. Blake, good and faithful servant.

Milagros said...

Congratulations, Fr. Ray. May the Lord whom you serve bless you richly and accompany you in your apostolic endeavors.

Gregory the Eremite said...

Many congratulations Fr Ray!

Cryptid said...


M. A. Labeo said...

Congratulations Father. Ad multos annos.

God bless you

Banshee said...

Congratulations, and many happy returns of the day! (And what a blessing to have been ordained on a Fatima day.) Thank you for your years of service.

Froggy said...

God is so good to have given you to us. I wish you many more years of happiness in your work.

Delia said...

It looks wonderful! But given that you were wearing 'Red Indian' vestments, I was expecting a few feathers stuck in the birettas...

mar said...

Congratulations and Chronia polla!

Jeff said...

Go bless, Father.

And Congratulations!

Mulier Fortis said...

It was indeed an awesome and magnificent occasion. Thank you, Fr. Ray, for all your dedication, commitment, and generosity to God's call over the years.

Jane Teresa said...

Congratulations on your Jubilee, Father!

Fr. Robert said...

Ad multos annos, Fr. Ray. I thank God for your gift of priesthood to the people of Brighton. I send my blessings from "across the pond." What wonderful photos,including the loaned vestments. I wish that I could have been there. Blessings. Oremus pro invicem. Fr. Robert

RMT said...

Congratulations, Father!

Ad Multos Annos!

John D. Enright said...

Congrats, Father Blake! I wish there were more priests - and laymen - like you!

Cathy_of_Alex said...

Ad Multos Annos! Thank you for your service to Holy Mother Church.

Anagnostis said...

Congratulations, Father - many years!

Unknown said...

Many congratulations and thank you for all your service and devotion to the Church.

Looking at what you did for your Silver Jubilee, I`d love to see what happens at your Golden Jubilee.

roydosan said...

Many congratulations on your jubilee Father. Ad multos annos!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations,Father! Thank you for your faith,love and fidelity.

Unknown said...

Ad Multos Annos Fr Ray from the great Republic of Texas!

MaryAgnesLamb said...

Congratulations Father!

Geometricus said...

Congratulations on 25 years of being a priest. I recently (in late December) celebrated my 25th wedding anniversary, so you were ordained just a few months after my dear wife and I were married. In some ways it seems like just yesterday. Do you feel this way too?

I wish you many more happy years serving the Lord here on earth, and then...forever a priest!

Heather Barrett said...

Hurrah! Congratulations, Father Blake! It does look to have been a glorious day. Many blessings and many more years to you.

Marston Magna said...

Ad multos annos


Oremus pro invicem

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