We have to get rid of the horrible grey paint in the church, the proper gunk will cost an awful lot.
A cheaper, greener alternative is apparently, PORRIDGE.
An experiment is going on even as you read, has any one tried it?
At Matins/the Office of Readings on Holy Saturday the Church gives us this 'ancient homily', I find it incredibly moving, it is abou...
Why not? It gets rid of constipation.
Yes! I have mine for breakfast!
Mine doesn't Karen! Do you put anything in yours? You gonna post Fr Ray? Only Fr T wudnt post about lap dancing clubs!
No never tried it to strip paint but surely you are going to need an enormous container to cook enough in to cover the church interior?
Surely Fr Ray is not being serious here? Even if it does work (as comments on the link say) the vast area would need a very large quantity of porridge - and wouldn't it smell?
I've heard of it being used as a face mask (all those oats have excellent exfoliating properties) but never hears of porridge being used as paint-stripper...
I have heard something of the sort before. It will depend on the what sort of paint it was.
Worth a try, and certainly not toxic so why not?
But my guess is that it will need more aggressive treatment to remove, either with a hot air gun or some solvent.
I was so surprised at the idea of porridge as paint stripper that I googled it.
Forums Money saving expert has some advice, but the consensus is that it is good for paint on plaster.
You might be disappointed trying to remove gloss paint off wood with this approach.
The cheapest way, I am told is caustic soda, but I've never been brave enough to try and it's obviously messy. I stick with the DIY paint stripper brands - which are also messy and tedious but don't dissolve my skin.
The heat gun/blow lamp is OK but needs some skill. If you use it on an internal door, you risk warping the door.
You could add caustic soda to the porridge. Also a pinch of salt improves the taste.
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