I have borowed this excellent list of Palm Sunday resources from Phat Catholic
Palm Branches
Liturgical Calendar: Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion
Blessed Palms in the Home
From Palm Branches to the Wood of the Cross
Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy: Holy Week and Palm Sunday
Palm Sundays
Hymn for Palm Sunday
History of Palm Sunday
Pope Benedict XVI's Homily for Palm Sunday (2007)
Pope John Paul II's Homily for Palm Sunday (1998)
Passion (Palm) Sunday
Circular Letter Concerning Preparation and Celebration of Easter Feasts
Entrance Into the Heavenly Jerusalem
When Reading the Passion
New Advent: Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday According to the Byzantine Rite Tradition
Annie's Palm Sunday Page
A Traditional Palm Sunday
Wikipedia: Palm Sunday
How to Make a Palm Cross
The Victory of Humility
St. Andrew of Crete (d. 740 A.D.): Sermon on Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday Gospel Activity
Palm Sunday Mass Worksheets: A and B
Palm Sunday Crossword Puzzle
Palm Sunday Word Search
Obsessed with the Passion
New Catholic Dictionary: Palm Sunday
1 comment:
I can remember as a child bringing home a piece of palm which was then put in a photo frame and taken to the church to be burnt for Ash Wednesday. My parish no longer uses palm branches, "in Jesus' time people just used whatever they had" and people bring anything green to church and quite often leave it on the seats or throw it away in the church grounds. Our Pastoral Associate, when I mentioned this, said the they should just be thrown in the rubbish even if they are blessed. It is this diluting of reverence for blessings, the Blessed Sacrament by not insisting on genuflection before the tabernacle etc which is, in my opinion, part and parcel of the malaise which is afflicting the Church today.
In my childhood orthodox formation was supported by reverence at Mass and respect for the priest and sacramentals and various acts of piety were encouraged. That is all gone now and soon the memory of what it used to be like to be a Catholic will be contained within the pages of books which people will read as a curiosity like they go to museums to stare at costumes or peoples of bygone days.
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