Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pope 'n Pod

At the last audience the Holy Father spent a little longer than he normally spends with visiting bishops. He was chatting with Bishop O'Donaghue who presented who presented him with Fit for Mission? Schools and Fit for Mission? Church.

I wonder if these documents will figure in the Ad Limina visit which should be later this year.


Dilly said...

It is surely very positive that these ideas are receiving attention at the highest level, openly. I suspect there are a few copies doing the rounds and landing on the relevant desks. I wonder, as Bp Donaghue is still a relatively active person, whether he will be given any sort of role in relation to them?

Anonymous said...

Excellent, just excellent!

George said...

Bishop PO'D has done England proud!!! Where is the rousing applause and letters of congrats from the rest of the UK Catholic Hierarchy?? More to the point when will Bishop Pat's fantastic documents be implemented the length and breadth of this 'green and pleasant land' so that one great day English Catholics can present Mary with Her Dowry.

I really hope and pray that our Holy Father sees that there are many more good and fruitful years left in PO'D and will reward him with an influential pastoral position within the Church. We need good men like him.

God Bless you Bishop Pat.

Jane said...

Dear Fr Ray,

On the Ad limina: shouldn't it have been last Autumn? Has any official reason been given for its delay?

We should be proud of +P O'D. He has proved to the HF that all is NOT lost in E and W. How is his health now? Do you know?

I think I remember that the first commendatory letter from Rome re. 'Fit for Mission' came from H.E. Antonelli (?) He ended his letter by saying that POD would receive his highest consideration. And I wondered then if that meant, he was going to make sure the Pope knew about it.

Happy, holy Eastertide!

Athanasius said...

"Bishop PO'D has done England proud!!!"

He certainly has. One hopes that his actions will receive even more positive attention from Rome, as it is extremely doubtful they will receive any further attention from England and Wales after his retirement.

Do not, for example, expect any support for the retiring Bishop of Lancaster from the incoming Archbishop of Westminster. Whatever his other undoubted qualities, Archbishop Nichols does not support Bishop O'Donaghue in regard to his Fit For Mission statements.

Dominic said...

These documents are straight, orthodox Catholicism, such as has been so sadly lacking over the past decades.
They must be the start of a new confident expression and practise of the Faith, and we should all, not just +P O'D,consider how we can further this.

Peter said...

Dear Athanasius
I wonder if you can explain what makes you say that. Let us pray that your fears are unfounded.
Well done Bishop Patrick!

niall said...

I agree that these documents are in themselves very orthodox, but a compelling reminder to Catholics what our faith, beliefs and importantly practices are about. In Bishop Patrick we have witnessed a true apostle who was tenacious, brave and most importantly able to convey his convictions firmly and clearly. They are wonderfully accessible books as was his preaching. If only all bishops could understand and undertake their role in the way he has done. We have been blessed indeed with the combined teachings of The Holy Father and P’OD.

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