Monday, August 06, 2007

After Blair, Labour MPs opt for 'God Delusion'

From their policies, from their rather sad view of humanity, from their disregard for the family, from their contempt for the religion within society, from their lack of an appreciation of collective values this piece from the Independant will come as no surprise.

In the annual survey of MPs' holiday reading, released today by the bookshop chain Waterstone's, first place was taken by William Hague's biography of William Wilberforce, which was published to coincide with the bicentenary of the abolition of the slave trade. It came well ahead of books that received more hype at the time of publication, such as the latest Harry Potter fantasy, or the diaries of Alastair Campbell.


A new mood of religious scepticism seems to have taken hold of Labour MPs, who have made The God Delusion, by Richard Dawkins, their main choice. This follows the loss of Tony Blair, who looked to God as the ultimate judge of whether it was right to invade Iraq.

By contrast, Tom Bower's biography of Gordon Brown scarcely made it on to the list of books being read by Labour MPs, whereas on the Conservative list, it came third, behind a biography of Robert Peel by the former foreign secretary, Douglas Hurd, as if the Tories are spending their holiday period getting to know their main enemy.



nickbris said...

Can anybody trust a Politician to say what he is reading on Holiday? It's a bit like asking them to choose their records on Desert Island Discs.

WhiteStoneNameSeeker said...

Aha-now we are told that politicians can in fact read. Next we must ask-can they understand?

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