The call for the canonisation of the murdered Salvadorian Archbishop Oscar Romero, he was killed whilst saying Mass 1980, seems to be increasing, Cafod too is pushing it. Romero seems to be divisive figure taken up by the left but rejected by the right, all a bit silly. Here is his letter to the Pope on Escriva's death.
"Most Blessed Father,
I regard the still-recent day of the death of Monsignor
Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer as contributing to the greater glory of God and to the well-being of souls, and I am requesting of Your Holiness the quick opening of the cause for beatification and canonization of such an eminent priest.
"I had the good fortune of knowing Monsignor Escriva de Balaguer personally and of receiving from him support and fortitude to be faithful to the inalterable doctrine of Christ and to serve with apostolic zeal the Holy Roman Church and this land of Santiago de Maria, which Your Holiness has entrusted to me.
"I have known, for several years now, the work of Opus Dei here in El Salvador, and I can testify to the supernatural sense that animates it and to the fidelity to the ecclesiastical magisterium that characterizes the work.
"Personally, I owe deep gratitude to the priests involved with the work, to whom I have trusted with much satisfaction the spiritual direction of my life and that of other priests.
"People from all social classes find in Opus Dei a secure orientation for living as sons of God in the midst of their daily family and social obligations. And this is doubtless due to the life and doctrine of its founder.
"In this stormy world overrun by insecurity and doubt, the superb doctrinal fidelity that characterizes Opus Dei is a sign of special grace from God.
"Monsignor Escriva de Balaguer was able to unite in his life a continuous dialogue with Our Lord and a great humanity; one could tell he was a man of God, and his manner was full of sensitivity, kindness, and good humor.
"There are many people who since the moment of his death are privately entrusting him with their needs.
"Most Blessed Father, I humbly repeat my petition for a quick opening of the cause for the beatification and canonization of Monsignor Escriva de Balaguer, for the greater glory of God and for the edification of the Church.
"With filial affection and submission, I kiss Your Ring."
I thought he was trendy lefty.
Then I thought Escriva was a rabid righty.
Maybe I nedd to read up on both.
Dear Father, of great value and indicitive of how great souls rise above the battle-ground set in the 20th Century Church. Could you give a reference for this text please ?
It was sent to me by a priest of the Diocese of Campos.
There are references to Opus Dei in Archbishop Romero's published diaries.
See: http://tinyurl.com/38paow
That'll set the cat among the pigeon's ;-) You can almost see the confused faces of the Tabletistas now.
"Romero's a good guy, right? But he, like, wrote to the Pope to get him to canonise the Opus Dei guy, right? And he's a bad guy, yeah? Does not compute...."
Why not send this in as a letter to The Tablet?
Or email it to The Guardian's religious affairs correspondent if they have such a thing.
I know El Salvador very well and am very aware of the influence that Opus Dei has there lately through the appointment by Pope John of a foreign priest of the Work to the post of Archbishop, a very unpopular gesture.
I cannot believe Archbishop Romero to have been an admirer of Escrivá y Balaguer - this letter could well be a fraud.
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