According to Fr Z the long awaited translation of the Missal into adequate English will not be available until 2011!
I was told in December by Card. Arinze and by Archbp. Ranjith that the new translation probably won’t be ready and released for use for a few more years. Yes, years. Maybe 2011.
I know, some of you will say do it in Latin. Tempting.
Yes, but at least they are working on it with a dedication and devotion hitherto lacking in forty years...
While I was having a barney with my 'temporary' bishop - Bishop Trauttman of Erie - regarding the 'One in Being' in the US translation of the Creed simply not being an adequate or orthodox translation of Homoousios [even a Mormon could say one in being] - Cardinal Arinze's office took the time to notify me that my concerns were appreciated. Can anyone imagine Bugnini having done the same thing ?
"I know, some of you will say do it in Latin."
I think that is a very good idea.
Very glad to read of OTSOTA having a barney with a bishop. Particularly over something as important as the Creed.
Fighting the good fight, as it were.
There are only two alternatives to using the ghastly ICEL translation :
Celebrate the Novus Ordo in Latin.
Celebrate using the 1962 Missal.
It would be a good idea if the draft of the new ICEL translation (which we all know is vastly superior to the current ICEL translation,) were to be used as an interim measure. But that would be a third alternative.
Of course, the rumour (what would life be like without its rumours ?) of a major revision of the 1970 Missal would explain the long delay.
Meanwhile, I foresee "member states" of ICEL declaring UDI and simply doing their own thing.
England & Wales could easily revive the National Liturgical Commission, if it wanted to.
hello fr and fellow guests,
has anyone noticed the cardinal's catholic life lecture series advertised on mgr langham's blog?
the first one on ?3rd april is by an unknown person to be announced immediately prior to the event!!!
i think it could be a certain very well known recent convert politician that will be speaking. anyone have any thoughts on this? i'm convinced it is but maybe i'm barking up the wrong tree?!?
I hope you're not contemplating committing a liturgical abuse are you father?
i thought it was to be in 2008!
Novus Ordo in Latin seems the best option especially in a parish where English is not the mother tongue of so many of the congregation.
While the old saying Festina lente has some merit, I think we could used more Festina and less lente...!
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