See unbleached candles, purple frontal, I know it looks blue, its my cheap camera

, plus one of the treasures of the Church an ivory calvary. I don't know much about it, the oral tradition is it was given by the Forte family, when they owned the Grand Hotel here in Brighton, so many of their staff came here. It is normally in the sacristy.
What a very beautiful Calvary. Are only the figures ivory ? The Cross appears to be wood, or with an inlay of wood, while the base appears to be metal (?) It is a very fine piece.
And I like the altar arrangement ! A frontal certainly makes all the difference.
Lucky you. They REALLY don't make things like that any more. MORE is the pity.
I have always hated the "school of Ugly" that JPII seemed to be a fan of. Loved the man personally, but his taste in church items/goods whatever you want to call them was horrid. Or was it Marini?
Oh wow...!
Lovely Mass today Father;pity we can't put the Altar back as it was and have more Ad Orientem.
A very Anglican purple, not what the Anglicans I used to be accustomed to called "Roman purple".
Picture is not a good representatation of the colour, it is in fact the same "violet" the Pope choose to wear in Lent and Advent.
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