Last time I was in Rome it was awash with members of the Community of St John, the brothers and sisters were everywhere, they filled St Peter's. The amazing thing is that they are a new religious community, part of that post-war flowering of French monasticism below are so0me extracts from their newsletter.
October 1, 2008: foundation of the Brothers of St. John in Canning Town, London (diocese of Brentwood, GB).
September 21, 2008: foundation of the Brothers of St. John in Avignon (France).
June 21, 2008: in Ars (France) twenty brothers were ordained to the diaconate and seven brothers to the priesthood by His Eminence Cardinal Paul Poupard, former President of the Pontifical Counsel for Culture.
On Pentecost week-end (May 10-12, 2008) in Paray le Monial (France), ten Brothers received the habit of the Community, seven Brothers pronounced their temporary vows, eleven Brothers and four Apostolic Sisters pronounced their final vows
As you see they are now in England, next week they are coming down to Rottingdean a neighbouring parish on the edge of Brighton, this is the wekend programme.
Friday 21st November
7.30pm Talk and Ministry ‘The Healing Power of Mass and Confession’
followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with the
opportunity for confession or spiritual guidance… Church
Saturday 22nd November
9.30am Rosary for Life
7.30pm Talk and Ministry ‘The Healing Power of Mass and Confession’
followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with the
opportunity for confession or spiritual guidance… Church
Saturday 22nd November
9.30am Rosary for Life
10.00am Holy Mass
10.45-12.15pm Pro-Life Meeting
Opportunity for local groups to share experience, information
and support after the HFE Bill.
5.45-6.15pm Confessions
6.30pm Vigil Mass of Christ the King
8.30pm-10.00pm Candlelit Vigil ‘The Power of Prayer’
Meditation, music, quiet Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
Opportunity for local groups to share experience, information
and support after the HFE Bill.
5.45-6.15pm Confessions
6.30pm Vigil Mass of Christ the King
8.30pm-10.00pm Candlelit Vigil ‘The Power of Prayer’
Meditation, music, quiet Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
How fantastic to see the strong emphasis on 'life' issues and a recognition of the need to "share experience, information and support".
All three of these so badly need to be shared, particularly after the bruising experience of the HFE Bill (now Act) but it is particularly good to see a recognition that those working on these issues need "support".
Wish I lived closer!
This order is fantastic, Fr.! We have two nuns here in New Jersey (U.S.A.) and they are doing wonderful youth ministry in two colleges.
The Community of St. John is WONDERFUL! They have a noviate in my Diocese and I've been involved with thier Eagle Eye retreats - I highly recommend them! There have been so many times that I've been in the presence of a brother or sister and felt like I was in the presence of Christ. It's because of the way they listen, the way they love. Amazing.
What a blessing to England!
There are a lot of remarkable Brothers and Sisters in this Community.
Just as there are in the Legionaries of Christ, Father.
Bear it in mind....
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