Of your Charity
pray for the Soul of Peter Horan who died fortified by the rites and sacraments of Our Holy Mother the Church.
Saints of God come to his Aid
Come to meet him Angels of the Lord
At Matins/the Office of Readings on Holy Saturday the Church gives us this 'ancient homily', I find it incredibly moving, it is abou...
I will remember him at the Mass this morning in our Parish of St. Mary's
Prayers said for him and his family.
D d'Andalo
Cathy was in my thoughts on the train this morning.
I will pray for her, and for Pete.
Requiem in Pace
"O GOD of spirits and all flesh, Who by Thy death did trample down upon death and give life to those in the tomb; do Thou, that selfsame Lord, grant rest to the soul of Thy servant Peter in a place of light, of refreshment, of rest, where pain and grief and sighing are no more. Grant to Thy servant pardon and remission of sins, for no one lives and sins not except Thee alone. For Thou are the resurrection and the life of Thy servant Peter, and to Thee do we ascribe glory, † to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, One God, in both worlds unto the Aeon of aeons.
Memory eternal!
requiescat in pace +
Prayer said for him and his family.
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