I presume this is the Brazilian President's wife, I can't help thinking she is saying, "Holy Father, he is a good boy really, he has got his problems but...", or possibly she is asking if she can have a big white chair too.
At Matins/the Office of Readings on Holy Saturday the Church gives us this 'ancient homily', I find it incredibly moving, it is abou...
Did he do something wrong? Or is he just meeting Pope Benedict as Brazillian president?
"Lula, these black stockings, do make my legs look fat".
Has my husband no manners, or any of the young men? Must a lady stand?
Very poor show from the Vatican; they could have offered the poor woman a chair.
This woman is the translator. Lula's wife isn't in the photo.
The woman behind Lula is not his wife. Maybe the brazilian ambassador, a woman.
Fr. Clécio
Dear Fr Blake,
I believe you are mistaken about the lady being the wife of the president. The lady in the photo with the exchange of gifts is, indeed, Mrs. da Silva. The one standing behind him at the desk has dark hair, a much thinner face and is not wearing the same shawl. Besides, it would have been a breach of diplomatic protocol to have Mrs. da Silva stand while her husand sat,and it simpy would not do.
Now, the questions is....who is she? (Probably the translator).
Sorry, of course the word is "interpreter"; a translator deals with the written word. At my age, I tend towards carelessness late at night.
Interpreter or not she is a lady and should have been given a chair.
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