I found him in Naples a couple of years ago.
He is wearing his biretta in the flames of Purgatory, obviously a priest who was careless about the rubrics.
At Matins/the Office of Readings on Holy Saturday the Church gives us this 'ancient homily', I find it incredibly moving, it is abou...
Oh my!
Great figurine, Father. You use it to illustrate a pious request for prayer, but I wonder if that's quite how its maker intended it...
I'd like to send it to priests I know but it might be taken in the wrong way!
It is interesting to note that many Catholics (including myself) believe that most priests will have to spend a good time in Purgatory because they have failed at times to live up to their duties. There are at least two examples I read about where priests were seen in Church after they had died and their spirit replied that they had to spend a fair amount of purgatory time in church making up for the prayers they did not say on earth ! By the way the figurine looks as if he is smoking !! Perhaps he set his vestments on fire ?
St. Alphonsus de Liguori contends that a priest who does not pursue sainthood cannot even be saved, and yes, Michael, such stories as you mention are not uncommon in Catholic lore, to include spectral priests being found at altars, saying Mass in the wee hours.
Hello, I like the blog.
It is beautiful.
Sorry not write more, but my English is bad writing.
A hug from Portugal
I have a similar figure from France. The intention is not scorn - but a reminder to pray for the dead and especially priests, living and dead. I pray for all the priests I know and read and link to - every day.
He is definitely smoking.
That is not a true priest...
I mean - where's his maniple?!!!
He is in Purgatory, he is not celebrating Mass. Ottaviani he is in choir and as he is covered he is obviously sitting. Wearing either stole or maniple would be an abuse.
My cousin Henry Mildew, expert in figurines, does not agree that he is in purgatory. These type of figurines were probably made in the middle part of the 19th century and the priest is shown in hell. They would have been made by anti-clerical forces in Italy following the rise of Garibaldi and Cavour. Typical anti clericalism which is never far from the surface in so called Catholic countries.
Fr Michael, Your cousin could be right bu8t amongst the other people/groups on sale were Garibaldi, soldiers, policemen, blonds, brunettes, whitehaired men/women.
oh, and a woman with a cat.
Fr. Blake,
May our Lord truly bless you with Grace peace Hope Charity, contemplation and true wisdom in the secret of your heart.
Be assured of my prayers Rev. Father.
"Hermit, without a permit"? What a great name. :) Makes me want to be "One Nun on the Run having Won Tons of Fun with a Gun making Puns in the Sun when the day's Begun until its Done". I'll have to become a nun first, though.
You know, I don't think you'd be able to find a figurine like that in America. Perhaps only a country from a saturated Catholic background could market such a thing. :)
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