
I know there are two possible options, with, or without incense, I think we might have to go with the "without" option as we only have two servers, of course it would be very good to celebrate a High Mass if I could get a deacon and sub-deacon, and servers. I know a prelate who would be only too happy to come and celebrate Pontifical High Mass at the drop of a mitre but we will need to do something with altar first.
The photographs are from our Extraordinary Form Epiphany Mass, taken by John Burke.
It was at 10am in the morning, about 40 people came but the people who actually ask for the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite are the younger members of our congregation who are working during the day.
I celebrate the old Mass on the third Sunday of each month and we will restart a Friday evening Mass the week after next.
If the choir don't feel up to singing the full chants from the gradual, you can always get them to sing from the Rossini propers (which have the instructions for what to sing during the procession and distribution of candles...)
The Rossini propers are the texts set to simple psalm tones... and you can find them on the Musica Sacra site...
Dear Father, You might find this useful: http://web.me.com/frmarkwithoos/Missa_Cantata/Resources_for_the_Priest/Resources_for_the_Priest.html
There is a podcast too which you can download from itunes store for free by searching for Missa Cantata in the store.
Dear Father, you have got the bit between your teeth! I don’t want to discourage you but is Candlemas a bit soon to be thinking of a Missa Cantata? How about Corpus Christi or Ascension on the old calendar Thursdays. I am just thinking that a few more months into the EF might be a better bet, ie not so hurried in terms of planning and also more rehearsal time - and an opportunity to train some of the boys from the school next door! I guess if you want to stick with Candlemas you could opt for the Missa de Angelis which most people know at least a bit of with the choir singing the Propers. I think you’d get a positive response if you contacted the music dept. at Westminster Cathedral. They train a lay choir which sings at Saturday evening Mass so will know some pieces which would be appropriate. Re: the altar, is it drilled into the floor, or can you move it further back into the sanctuary? Well, whatever, I bet you get a good turnout!
Hi Fr Ray, through prayer all will be well. As the good Lord says 'ask and it shall be given you', - well Dear Lord, can Fr Ray please have a Latin Mass deacon, sub-deacons, several servers, plenty of incense, an enriched altar, a visiting Scuola and a fine, strong voice to sing your praises on that special Candlemass day - please.
Dear Father,
Bird seed might help? Could you take a little time to look at our blog. This news deserves to be broadcast. Maybe you could put up a post about it. The original website is in French. A link to it is on this post:
The choir is not the problem, we used the Propers last year with the Novus Ordo, it is really training or getting servers.
MacMcKernon mentions the candlelit procession for the Feast of Candlemas. I do hope you are allowed to have one.
Last year I attended the Candlemas Mass in the chapel in the Rue du Bac, Paris. It was announced that due to the large numbers of people present there would be no procession - French elf and safety no doubt! Sad.
Nice vestment, Father. Is yellow a liturgical colour?
Pastor in Valle,
We often call in gold!
Tutotial and print-outs for servers here. Hope they help.
Do you have any older boys as altar servers? They should relish the challenge. The site is multilingual, in case they are EAL.
I could come down and help possibly by celebrating myself with you as MC, but you would need to practice the other two servers of course.
If you want to go through anything, dry runs etc, I'll willingly come over.
We are having High Mass here Sunday 18th January 6.00pm is anyone wants to come over!
Fr Bede,
Very kind offer. I have sent you an email.
Father the propers can be found here:
as mp3 files - they can be downloaded to mp3 players or burned as CDs - along with the texts. It is possible to do a karaoke method of learning them and the best thing is for a choir inexperienced in chant to learn them by singing along in the car or athome
If this is their first outing it might be worth setting the texts to a simple modal arrangement - try Musica Sacra for some ideas.
I hope this isn't hopelessly amateurish but it worked for us last September and we're doing the same for the Presntation: Latin OF.
Good luck.
What good news that we will have the Friday evening Mass again. Thank you.
I know how you could increase your server pool to twice the size.
My little comment which would also cover being present at such a Mass to help with singing etc is the only one which has a dustbin sign attached to it ! I dont understand why as it is no different to the others ?
Father, I think that might be an option from blogger allowing you to delete the comment if you want. Chances are you second comment will have the same sign.
Can you send me an email Father for some suggestions:
Father, where do I send my email address to?
Salutations in Christ Jesus and Mary Immaculate.
Having read the comments at this blog, I am very happy to see the friendship and help you offer one to the other.
As a great Archbishop once remarked:
"We have to build, while the others are demolishing. The crumbled citadels have to be rebuilt, the bastions of Faith have to be reconstructed; firstly the holy sacrifice of the Mass of all times, which forms saints; then our chapels, our monasteries, our large families, our enterprises faithful to the social politics of the Church, our politicians determined to make the politics of Jesus Christ – this is a whole tissue of Christian social life, Christian customs, Christian reflexes, which we have to restore."
May God our Lord in his infinite and supreme goodness be pleased to give us his abundant grace, that we may know his most holy will, and entirely fulfill it.
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