These are actually some sort of Japanese aircraft (pre-radar) acoustic device but don't let that inhibit you.
Bass section for parish mega performance of the Beethoven Missa Solemnis.
Huge Party-poppers waiting for the Pope to ...
At Matins/the Office of Readings on Holy Saturday the Church gives us this 'ancient homily', I find it incredibly moving, it is abou...
So these are the contra-contra-bass trumpets for the Bishop's procrssion from the railway station. How big are the tympani?
Modern Liturgical Music Director to 'more traditional priest'
"Well Father you said you weren't keen on the electric keyboard and drum kit at Mass so we've invested in something more Biblical"
cf. "Praise HIM with the sound of trumpet!" Ps 150
And these, my Lord Bishop, will detect any Latin Masses said within a 40 mile radius of the cathedral ...
1940's state of the art loudspeakers for famous Japanese Kabuki theatre and open air concert.
The Sony, Hitachi and Panasonic boys were all hiding behind nearby bushes taking copious notes and photographs. With these we will one day rule the world, they thought!
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