Especially to readers in the Americas and most especially to Carlos and Julie and their children Amanda, Carlos and Diego in Venezuela.
At Matins/the Office of Readings on Holy Saturday the Church gives us this 'ancient homily', I find it incredibly moving, it is abou...
One of the interesting features of Our Lady of Guadalupe is that she is pregnant, which among the Mexican indians was a state of great honour. This feast is similar to another little known Marian feast that was once widely celebrated in Spain and parts of Central Europe: the Expectation of Our Lady, on December 18th. I have written (to blow my own trumpet!) an article in more depth about the Expectation, which will be published on December 18th with the launch of the blog http://expectation-of-our-lady.blogspot.com.
In relation to the accounts of Guadalupan Apparitions to Juan Diego there are several miracle events. The first of them was when Juan Diego went to fetch a priest to Mexico City because his uncle was ill. Juan Diego did not take the usual road, avoiding to be stopped by Guadalupe. Nevertheless, she got him in his way to the city and told him not to be worry about his uncle because he was already cured of his illness. Then she commanded him to go pick flowers on Tepeyac hill as signal of the miracle asked for the Bishop. He was surprised with the amount of Castilian Roses because it was winter. He put the flowers on his tilma (a sort of outer garment worn by men) to bring them to the Bishop. Once he did so, they realised there was an image on the tilma. This image it is the current venerated in Basilica of Guadalupe.
Thanks Fr Ray for being so kind with your dedication in your post about "Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe". We were very happy finding this note.
God bless you,
Carlos, Juli, Amanda, Carlos, and Diego.
Thank you for your greetings, Father. You may like to know that your blog is read in Colombia, as well. Sadly, although she is the Patroness of the whole of Latin America, there doesn't seem to be a great deal of devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe in this part of it. Her titles of "Help of Christians" and "Our Lady of Mount Carmel" have much greater popular appeal here. However, the Marian devotion that my charity promotes is to Our Lady of Walsingham. Our centre in Medellín is called Casa Walsingham, and our Chapel is a Colombian version of the Holy House.
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