I love this little story about how we English communicate and show we love, not for us that demonstrative Johnny-foreigner stuff.
William and Clara, having had their cocoa had retired. She was reading her Mills and Boon, he was struggling with the last few clues in the crossword.
Clara finished her book, put it down and stared at the ceiling, and said, "William dear, do you know, I can't remember the last time you told me you loved me".
"Dont' be silly, Darling", William replied, still struggling with 9 across, "I told you I loved you forty-six years ago, on the night we became engaged, I repeated it on our wedding day, if I had changed my mind I would have told you so!"
Great story. Sometimes it's fun if the stereotype rings true. [I'm sure you didn't all come out of the Christmas Crackers.) Great pic. Anyone you know? (like mom and dad?)
I loved that. :-)
I love it. There is a lot to be said for taking a decision and living in it's constant reality without doubt. I hope his wife laughed and took his constancy as an example.
All you bloggers seem to have gone all romantic lately!
My wife and I loved that reading it on our 48th wedding anniversary. Keep em' coming.
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