Monday, September 15, 2008

Usus Antiquor - You can help

Usus Antiqor was launched yesterday, at the Oratory with Solemn Vespers of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Father John Boyle carries the press release.
They have launched a competion to design the jounal, this is a way you can help
1. The Editors will make a decision on the winning entry by the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, January 6th, 2009, and their decision will be final. They will enter into no correspondence or discussion on their decision. The winning entry will be published on the web sites of Usus Antiquior and the New Liturgical Movement on that day.

2. Entries are required to submit (a) a cover page; (b) a title page; (c) two pages of a journal article, using the text supplied for each page below (and nothing else).

3. Entries submitted must be the original work of the entrant(s), and must be submitted to by St. Nicholas Day, December 6th, 2008.

1 comment:

PeterHWright said...

Well, I won't be entering the competition ! I know next to nothing about design. I hope other people will have a go. NLM shouls soon be posting more details of what exactly is required.

However, I was much taken by the title of Father's post : "Usus Antiquior" - You can help."

Yes, indeed. If all goes well, the first issue of "Usus Antiquior" will be published in January 2010.

Meanwhile, there is the hard work, and the cost, of getting this enterprise up and running.

How can people help at this stage ? Go the "Usus Antiquior" website and register your interest, without obligation, there. Send a donation, if you can afford it, to the Society of St. Catherine of Siena (Usus Antiquior Fund).

And spread the word ! Tell everyone about it !

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