Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Ordinary Work, Extraordinary Grace: My Spiritual Journey in Opus DeiWritten

Scott Hahn The extra-ordinary convert from protestantism has just brought out a new book on Opus Dei, it will soon be released in this country.

To conspiracy theorists, Opus Dei is a highly secretive and powerful international organization. To its members, however, Opus Dei is a spiritual path, a way of incorporating the teachings of Jesus into everyday life. In Ordinary Work, Extraordinary Grace, Scott Hahn, a member of Opus Dei, describes the organization’s founding, its mission, and its profound influence on his life. Hahn recounts the invaluable part Opus Dei played in his conversion from Evangelical Christianity to Catholicism and explains why its teachings remain at the center of his life. Through stories about his job, his marriage, his role as a parent, and his community activities, Hahn shows how Opus Dei’s spirituality enriches the meaning of daily tasks and transforms ordinary relationships. He offers inspiring insights for reconciling spiritual and material goals, discussing topics ranging from ambition, workaholism, friendship, and sex, to the place of prayer and sacrifice in Christianity today. Engaging and enlightening, Ordinary Work, Extraordinary Grace is at once a moving personal story and an inspiring work of contemporary spirituality. £9.41 from Amazon.

Other books by Scott Hahn include: Rome Sweat Home; The Lamb’s Supper; Hail, Holy Queen; Swear to God; and Understanding the Scriptures. They are all quite readable and enjoyable.

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