Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Three Run for Cafod

On October 22nd three of our parishioners, Clare, Jess and Christina are running 10 miles for CAFOD in the Great South Run. £7 of your money could buy 20kg of seeds, enough food for one family in Ethiopia for a year, £17.50 buys one year’s schooling for a child orphaned by AIDS in Zambia, £44 buys a loan for a goat shelter and goats for one farming family in the Philippines, £133 pays for counselling for one trauma sufferer in Rwanda, £257 pays for a pair of Oxen and a plough in Mozambique, £1,600 buys a water pump for a village in Zimbabwe.

It would be wonderful if you could find it in your heart to sponsor them. You can donate online at:-

or alternatively send a cheque for CAFOD to 55 Upper North Street. BRIGHTON .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've just visited the just giving site and given a donation. However, so far thats the only donation they have. So, without wishing to sound too much like Bob Geldof...Come on! Give them your @££%ing money! If everyone gave a quid they'd raise £200 easily...

The Lord’s descent into the underworld

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