Friday, October 31, 2008

Stephen Hawkins and the Pope

Pope Benedict XVI greets British professor Stephen Hawking during a meeting of scientists, theologians and philosophers at the Vatican today to discuss the origins of the cosmos.


Paulinus said...

As young people say these days: Richard Dawkins - in your face!

Anonymous said...

An eminent scholar meets an eminent scientist. Two honest men look at evidence and come to different conclusions. Neither regards the other as a knave or a fool, as stupid, or unintelligent. One wishes all controversialists would heed their example.

Fr PF said...

Stephen Hawking has been a member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences for many years.

alban said...

It is immensely gratifying Stephen Dawking and Benedict XVI can respect each other even though they have some very different opinions (would that some who post comments on this blog might follow their example). As Frpf points out Hawking is a member of the PAS. In fact, he will be addressing the Vatican's conference on Darwin which is taking place at this very time. The weather in Rome has not been particularly good these last few days, but I hope Prof. Hawking will have the chance to catch some of the sights while in town.

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